Pregnant & Morning sickness..
Is it a must for all pregnant mums to get morning sickness? Just curious to know as I am in my 6 wks and i do feel normal. I hope i wont get any

I didn't experience any morning sickness or nausea for both my pregnancies, totally normal and I don't feel pregnant at all during 1st trimester. BTW both girls so not true what they say abt the female hormones of carrying a girl making it worse. 😊
I was worried at the earlier stage too. But once i started my morning sickness, i regretted thinking that how come my morning sickness comes so late. Almost 13 wks now and stilllll having it 😭
Every pregnancy is different so some will experience it, some will not, and some at different phases. Not to worry.. enjoy the moments while u still feel great!
You are so blessed to not have any morning sickness : ) you belong to an elite group of mum who can sail through first trimester easily
I don’t think it’s a must, my friend! Every woman reacts to pregnancy differently! Maybe you’re really lucky! 😍
Me too at first feel the same as u but now at 8 wks its starting off & on. Just embrace the normal feeling now 😀
Not necessary. I did not have any morning sickness and felt super normal throughout my pregnancy! :)
Not al women has ms. But 6weeks might be a bit too early. Mine came on frm w8 I think? All d best!
Its not a must.. its becos of the hcg level, if you dont experience it, you are the lucky one...
Not neccessarily. My sister and colleague didnt have nausea