6 Replies

Are u insisting sleeping left side ? Cos my fren advised me to find a good position to slp... dont mind to sleep right as long as u feel comfortable. Dont insist to slp left. And talking to baby gently and play some music to calm baby down for 15 to 20 mins b4 bedtime.. and telling baby mummy is gg to slp now. Sometimes when u turn on music to slp, u also feel less kicks cos baby enjoying the music and wont anyhow kick.

I experienced this until week 33 when somehow baby's sleep schedule started to sync with mine! You can also try going for 1 hour walks after dinner - I felt that helped me quite a bit as well to tire my body out and also relax my mind. When I'm quite stressed, my husband will help me to diffuse lavender oil!

Yes towards the end of 3rd trimester I had extreme difficulty in sleeping as well. Stomach was humougous, always having acid reflux and toilet trips, my LO kicking me when I lie on my sides (throughout pregnancy) but just have to deal with it :)

What I do was to like so called wake the baby up in the day time, like tell the baby the time and what u doing and try to pat your tummy so he will wake up.. that works for me as at night he kick lesser so I can sleep better

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Unfortunately ive also experienced the same in my 3rd trimester.. it went all the way till i gve birth.. 👎🏼

I rub essential oils..ask hubby for massages.. didnt take any naps during the day..n itl always be the same, il fall asleep, but will wake up at random hrs n thr goes the sleep lol

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