10 Replies

I’m no doctor so I can’t tell you what exactly but based on the photo, my son had something similar to this. We switched to Aveeno baby Dermexa wash, it seemed to have calmed his redness down but we were obviously still concerned as it is still significantly bumpy. Brought him to the PD and he diagnosed him with eczema. Prescribed a mild 0.5% steroid cream along with Physiogel AI Lipid Balm (this version is only available at the doctors. Closest version to find in Pharmacy is the cream version). After a few days of treatment, it cleared up completely.

Hi my son has the same condition! Went to the PD and found out he has eczema. I had to stop using cetaphil as it does not contain ceramide. As prescribed by my Pd, now I’m using ceradan body wash and the advanced moisturiser for my baby and when it’s quite bad I will use the steroid cream (but very thin layer).

idk what is this. but better bring baby to PD asap. also observe what u use to wash baby's clothing, what u feed, what soap u use to bath baby etc. this information will always help u in this situation cos u never know if baby might be allergic to any of these.

VIP Member

Oh my. This looks serious. Better to check with PD immediately. My girl has eczema but it is localised on the face and sometimes on the back for which I just apply Cetaphil AD Derma every shower. Works well with my girl.

I used cicastela from mustela for the rashes so far now all gone, the body not sure maybe u try other bathing brand or better go see pedia vThey can give u advice

It looks like heatrash but i would suggest to bring him to pedia as it looks a lot.

But no problem in passing motion. And last check up at kkh,doctor see the redness also never comment. I thought it wasnt serious because my nephew has the same problem. But not like what my daughter have. Skin getting rough...specially the mouth because she drool alot.

Hi, This looks like a heat rash. Please do visit your PD asap for this


I use ceradan or physiogel ai for whole body it helps

Hi. Can i know what's the outcome for your baby?

VIP Member

Best to bring your baby to the pediatrician

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