Hi mommies my 5 month old son is having red color small pimples below his lips and the skin is that area is bit hard. Is it normal or should I apply any cream for it?

I think your baby may have cold sore. Cold sores are small, red blisters that can crop up near your baby’s lips or on them. Despite their name, cold sores have nothing to do with colds and are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Please check for the symptoms - The first time your baby gets a cold sore, he’ll start off with: - swollen gums - a sore mouth A few days later, he may have: - a cluster of small blisters on or near his lips that turn into a shallow, painful sore - a fever - swollen lymph glands in his neck In a few days the sore will crust over and slowly disappear. The whole flare-up lasts about seven days to 14 days, during which time your baby may feel miserable and sore. The mouth pain can put your baby off eating or drinking. The next time your baby has an outbreak, the first symptoms will just be the blisters, without any swelling or mouth pain. Your baby’s cold sore will go away on its own without treatment. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help your baby feel better: - To ease the pain, apply ice to the sore. You can also give your baby a dose of infant paracetamol or infant ibuprofen. - If your baby has a fever, or his mouth is sore and he doesn’t want to feed, take steps to keep him from getting dehydrated. Encourage him to take short frequent breastfeeds or bottle-feeds. If your baby is formula-fed or on solids, offer him extra water. - Wash your baby’s hands regularly to keep him from infecting other parts of his body or giving the virus to someone else. Also keep your baby’s flannels and towels separate from the rest of the family’s. Try to keep him from picking at his sores. - Try to keep your baby from touching his eyes or the surrounding area when he has a cold sore, as this could transfer the infection to his eyes.
Read morein many cases, this happens when the area under the lips is not cleaned thoroughly after each feed, and there is some milk left there. this makes the area prone to infection and skin rashes, that you may have noticed as pimples. make sure your clean your baby's mouth and the surrounding area properly after each feed. and yes, do take your baby to the doctor to get the rashes checked.
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please immediately take your baby to the doc, as this could be signs of an infection and can worsen if left untreated.
see pediatrician...sometimes this happens due to milk residues or something that has triggered allergic reaction