Missed Miscarriage
Hi mummies, Has anyone had a missed miscarriage before?? I was pregnant and had my first scan at 8 weeks. Gynea told me fetus looks very small and scheduled for another appointment. On my 2nd appointment, my scan showed an empty womb - no more fetus. Gynea said I had a missed miscarriage. I had no bleeding or cramps, just really mild light brown discharge a few days before. I was shocked of course, cuz I didn’t feel anything. I’m really struggling to accept what has happened. Gynea said there is no reason for what has happened and advised me to rest. I took a pill the following day to “complete” the miscarriage naturally and it was the most horrible day. It has been almost a month but I’m still sad. I don’t have close friends that have went through this. And I haven’t spoken to anyone about this (other than my husband). I need your advices mummies.

Hi mummy ! I hope youre doing and recovering well. Had a miscarriage in dec. My appt was supposed to be me at 12 weeks but when scan and measured, it was only 6weeks. Was scheduled for next appt. but 2 days later i started bleeding. Went to a&e check and sac and baby can still detect. But since its still at 6weeks they cannot detect any HB. So i was sent home and was told to eat a hormone pill given. But sadly 2days later i had a bad cramps which i thought was just the side effects that they stated. But little did i know it was actually contractions. Later that night, a big lump came out of me. I saw it. The jelly like placenta and baby that u see in app pictures on how a 6week old baby looked like. I cried in the toilet. But i knew it wasnt my fate to have the baby. Went straight to a&e again and got scan, and my womb is completely flushed out clean. So no meds or surgery needed. Just needed to rest for a mth and come back to double check no balance clot or anything left. It was the most traumatic and sad experience. I still grieve from time to time. But i got up and be well again. But thankful that now im blessed with a rainbow baby. My 3rd pregnancy. Still scared for whatever might happen but i leave it to God. For now just have a good rest. When youre ready to try for another, go ahead. Take your time to grieve. Takecare mummy❤️
Read moreHi, how are you now? Hope you are feeling better now. I had miscarriage at week 5 a month ago. Cried out badly a few days after confirmed the spontaneous miscarriage. Completed my pregnancy diary which I started when I knew I was pregnant. Feeling really difficult to continue the diary but I know I need to, for closure. Yes, I feel better after saying bye to my baby. Move on well and I am doing well right now.. Will consider to plan to conceive soon. As I had spontaneous miscarriage at week 5, so probably baby still have no heartbeat yet and won't feel the pain. I had 1 week of spotting and the gestational sac just passed out during urination.. Didn't think of miscarriage during that time. But confirm miscarriage a week later when I visit my gynae.
Read moreI totally feel you. Grieve as long as you want. I've had 2 natural miscarriages and it's so heartbreaking with 1 that happened last yr. But I was bleeding quite heavily for 2 wks. My gestational sac stayed at the same size for that 2 weeks and suddenly no more. Sonographer can only see debris in the sac. It was a traumatic miscarriage cos I saw the sac coming out of me into the toilet bowl & I picked it up.
Read moreI’m sorry to hear that and sorry for your loss. It’s terrible what you went through. It is really heartbreaking. Before this, I’ve had an early miscarriage or “biochemical pregnancy” as they called it but I didn’t feel so emotional as I didn’t know I was pregnant. But this one, I dunno, I just can’t move on. It feels unsettling that it could happen without me realizing it or feeling any pain. My gynea also couldn’t give me a medical reason to how or why this happened. Did you find out what caused your miscarriage?
Hi, I just had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago. It’s my first pregnancy. I wanted to find out why, what have I ate or done wrong. It’s hard to cope. But, was told that there are many reasons that could lead to it. It’s natural to feel sad, because you were carrying the baby. Don’t be too hard on ourselves. Cry when we need to, talk to someone when you need to. Happy to talk to you if you’d like.
Read moreHi Joy. I’m so sorry for your loss. It was my first pregnancy too and I had so many questions. Can’t help but blame myself and you’re right, we should not be too hard on ourselves. I’m feeling much better now and I’ve finally acknowledged the loss. I really hope you’re feeling much better too! 💞
Its tough for sure. I had something similar happen to and what worked for me was to share my pain w my loved ones. A loss is a loss no matter how small. Grieve as much as you need but try to look on the bright side and take comfort in the fact that you can conceive naturally. Once you feel better, you can look forward to try for ur next one 😊
Read moreThank you Shir for your kind words and I’m feeling better now. 😊 Really hoping to be a parent soon in the next 2 yrs!