Bottle Feeding

Hi it true that baby boy tends to drink more milk. My baby is only 3 weeks. Every 2 hr is it oky for the baby to drink formula milk.....

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Not so sure if its true or a coincidence. But my 2.5month baby boy is a heavy milk drinker! Can ask for up to 180ml at times! He's feed is 3 hourly, but he will ask earlier too!

Hi mommy my baby also drinks more than his usual feeding. We do 3 to 4 hourly alr but in between he will ask for more. So we give him feeding as per demand as well.

Super Mum

Apparently. my baby boy drinks so much, it removed the blockage for my wife

My 3weeks old girl is drinking BM (I pump out) every 2 hrs too.

5y ago

Should be ok. That's normal.

Super Mum

Yes baby boy drinks so much more than the baby girl.

Yes. Is normak

VIP Member

How old is lo now?

5y ago

Ohhh yes 18 days still drink every 2 hrs . Fm or bm . You can mix feed too

VIP Member

yes nromal