Hi mummies. Do u stock up on diapers? better to buy newborn size or small size before the arrival of ur lo?

I requested size S samples from different companies (huggies, drypers, mamy poko & merries) but after my LO was born, I realised they are too big for her even though they are size S. I didn't buy any diapers before my LO was born. I ended up buying 1 pack of Huggies NB Gold that fit my girl pretty well as the cutting is smaller. My suggestion is don't buy too many first. One - might be size issue. Two - might have skin sensitive issue sometimes.
Read moreYou can buy a few packs of newborn and stock up more on S size. This is what most mums recommend. My LO’s a bit different, because she kept leaking even with NB diapers with bigger cuttings (she could only wear Huggies Gold NB size). So at 4 months +, she’s still wearing NB size 😅 More savings for me I guess.
Read moreBuy a few packs of NB first (NB - 5 kg). Observe your baby’s growth and buy S size halfway through your NB stock. S is for 4 - 8 Kg. For my case, I bought a total of 3 packs NB ( 2 for Mamypoko and 1 for Huggies Gold). If your baby is on the small side, Huggies Gold works as the cutting is really small.
Read moreI bought one pack of NB, and requested more NB size diaper samples. NB poop a lot and require a lot of diaper changes so can buy cheaper ones and change more often. Once they get older and require less diaper changes can buy the more ex
For NB try some samples first and see which suites ur baby. Once you know ur baby's skin doesnt get any rash from a certain brand then u can stock up alr. NB diapers are usually til 5kg. I got try huggies and drypers.
It’s better to buy a pack of newborn size diapers first. No need to stock up. Request for samples to see which one fits your baby the best.
Hey, I would suggest take some 5-6 packs of new born diapers and rest I would suggest to buy when the baby arrives to have better idea
I used only 1 pkt of nb size for 1-2 weeks then change to small alrdy. My boy is bigger is size. Born 3.9kg 🤭
Buy 2 package of newborn baby diapers 1st then if you want you can also standby by S size diaper
Get some newborn sample n get a pack first.. baby will outgrown very fast