Feeding while high fever
Hi Mummies, I'm having 40deg fever. And I'm not sure if I can still pump and give my breastmilk to my newborn. Is it advisable to do so or I have to discard my milk after pumping? Please help ?

Tbh I wouldn't. I've pumped and dumped back when i was ill and breastfeeding. I researched a number of articles written by doctors (traumatic first breastfeeding journey which led to alot of time spent on Google) and it appears that that the antibodies in the milk only help gut health, not the whole immune system. Passive immunity is conferred at birth, I.e. most antibodies that mama has that passed to baby was in the womb, not through breast milk. Any slip or careless handling of the milk could result in the milk becoming contaminated (e.g. touching your face, then touching the pump parts and flanges) and then the germs get into the milk and passed on to baby. 40deg is a really really high fever, and while it may not necessarily correlate with the severity of the illness, you probably should concentrate of getting back to full health first. Baby will do fine with either a frozen bm stash or formula in the meantime.
Read moreIt is safe dear. Some pds recommend because your body produces more antibodies and whatever your having the immunity will pass to your baby so your baby will not be likely to get this in future. Just do not give if your taking a antibiotic that is not safe for your baby and also please see a dr
You can still breastfeed. In fact, your breastmilk now will protect your baby from falling sick because of the antibodies inside it. Just make sure you wash your hands first:) Get well soon!
Safe to breastfeed mummy. Your body will produce antibodies to help your baby to prevent her from getting sick.
you can still continue to BF your baby even when you have fever. just ensure you wear mask and all.
I still breastfed. As long your meds are breastfeeding safe. Normal panadol is, And wear a mask
I think depends on the cause of your fever. My pd said if it's because of infection better not.
You can still either breastfeed or express the breastmilk and bottle feed. No issues at all.
Yes please continue pumping and breastfeeding your baby. It's safe to do so..
Thank you for ur help :)
Don’t think will affect the baby as Long as u pump