Trial and error. Using hegen since birth. DR Brown also 1 of the recommendation from mummies but my LO didn't like it. Fussy when u feed or applies to your hub and mum too? Cause sometimes LO wants comfort, they can smell mummy's milk hence they tend to be fussy during bottle feeding when we feed them. But when other ppl feed they drink normally
I'm using Hegen bottles. The flow of the teat is indicated on the packaging, not sure if we will be able to tell by looking at the teat itself. But at 2mo, my baby was also fussing when using the bottle so we changed to medium flow teats and we havent had any problems since then - baby is 7mo now
Hello! Same thing happened to mine, was using phillips avent teat 2 changed to 3 but she cried murder every bottle feed. We decided to use Pigeon cuz had some newborn bottles at home (teats are super soft) and it kinda worked. You can try!
Thank you mummies for all your suggestions! I tried pigeon ppsu bottle and baby finally accepted it. π
Is it cos the teats is too slow flow for your baby? My baby reject milk cos the flow is slow.
Have you tried pigeon? It works well for my LO! :)
Pigeon wide neck ppsu bottles.
Trial and error
Mummy J