Hi mummies, I am a FTM. Yesterday i have sent my 3months old baby to a babysitter for 1st time. When I go to pick up my son, I have requested the babysitter like below:
1) To let my baby sleep one side due to his flat head issues (But she told me no issues with flat head since his 7 years old boy also flat head and sounds like doesn't want to do as per my request)
2) I brought my son's pillow and a toy that he used to cuddle when he sleeps and told her how I pat my son sleep. (She ended ask me to bring back the toy cause she said doesn't necessary.) I am not sure how my Baby sleeps or not sure whether he does sleep at her home cause when my baby reached home, he slept 9 hours at night which never happened before. (By the way, today i didn't bring my son to her cause heavy rain, and my son continue to sleep about 2 hours after every feed. Not whether I should feel happy cause this is also an abnormal sign)
3) My husband bring bb to her house and i will bring Baby back due to our working timing. Then she requested me to send my Baby a little bit late next day cause she wanted to bring her boy to school. So I told her is ok, I will bring my Baby to you instead otherwise my husband will be late to work. She was like shocked and asked how come we need to take turn? I told her we share the responsibility together ma.. but she Keep saying don't need so troublesome need to take turn la..bla bla..
4) I brought an anti reflux baby louger that my son used to lie on when he drinks milk because my son has that reflux issues. Initially she asked me to bring back also, but end up she said OK just leave it.
This babysitter was recommended from a mummy that used to take care of her 2 sons.
I am not sure whether my requests are too many? Or I am just worrying too much ? Just feeling not right to see my son acting differently after 1 day stay at her place ๐๐๐