Any mummies have backache or neck/shoulder pain? What do you do to ease or relieve the aches? I have a two year old toddler. I suspect I must have strained my muscles by carrying my toddler.

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I always go for tui na. Check out Chien Chi tow. They have branches nationwide.

I would usually go for a massage to relief my aches and relax myself.

Dear mum, You need a good relaxing massage and you will be fine :)

Super Mum

I got it like everyday. Massage helps. Else I put TCM plaster

Massage... Do you believe in TCm medicine. It works wonders for me.

5y ago

Bao Zhi Tang... They have few outlets.

VIP Member

Yes, I bought a tcm massage package. No choice 😅

VIP Member

I went to TCM, had acupuncture etc but it helps!

Yoga and Massage helps greatly

VIP Member

I go for body massage too!!

Regular stretching helps!