My bb is 6 months old now. Should I feed him with porridge or rice cereal? Thank you!

My boy is 6 months old too! I would say whichever works for you - or in fact - both! My nieces and nieces in law grew up on both. Only concern about cereal is that some children may have constipation from it so I dilute it slightly more and try to feed a bit of water (1 few spoons - but it drips out most). When i have the chance to and the help to clean up etc - I give my boy porridge - u can start w plain porridge first then later add blended broccoli or carrot in. When we go out or to my parents/Pil place, I will use the rice cereal or store bought organic purée or purée something simple like avocado/banana/sweet potatoe/carrot etc Just remember to follow the rule of new food every 3-4 days so that it keep things interesting and help u spot allergy if any. So that means varying the flavors of purée, cereal, porridge I have a slight preference for cereal as it contains the iron etc that the child needs. So I will use it every now and then Some people will complain abt cereal a lot of sugar or not nutritional but that cannot be further away from the truth - it is a tested child product and they need the sugar for energy. Porridge is also sugar by the way. Explore and may both of u have fun on this journey of food discovery
Read moreMy hubby and I prefer whole food so we practice Babyled weaning with my both girls; it proved to be one of our best parenting decision. I just give my 10 months baby anything my family is having just that her share is without salt, sugar, seasonings. By giving them food we eat, it also caution me to be more carefully in what I eat for my meal which in turn becoming good eating habits for whole family. If BLW is not you cup of tea, I will recommend vegetables/fruit purée over porridge or cereal after much research. There are many new research that shared why rice production is not suitable as baby first food due to high level of arsenic, sugar etc. Apart from it, newer research has pointed out that sugar is bad for their brain development as well as a good breeding ground for some virus. Just sharing my two cents worth.
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Traditional and grand parents prefer porridge and we grew up eating porridge too. And if they are the caregivers i wouldnt fight too hard so long there is no salt. If i am the caregiver i would give cereal as first food. I have been using happy bellies cereal from iherb for all my kids. Recently i had a few sample size friso milk based cereal whcih i bgt along for my travel. My baby loves it and i like it that i no longer need to add milk to make it more wholesome as there is milk content in it already. Normally i would stirred in milk with my happy bellies cereal..and friso milk based cereal also not too sweet.
Read moreDo I need to reheat pre-packed puree?
I personally never liked the idea much of porridge or cereal. That only fills them up with carbohydrates. At the moment baby is 4 coming 5 months old. Here are some recipes iam currently giving. 1. Carrot puree 2. Oats with milk 3. Broccoli puree 4. Bananas puree 5. Advocado puree Once baby has tried these and has no issues with it, you can start to even mix them. For example, carrots with broccoli or avocados with bananas. Hope this helps
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I start my lo [6 month old] with Friso Gold Milk Cereal because you no have to add in anymore milk just add in water. Which i feel is very convenient especially in the morning when you're in the rush. during the noon I vegetable puree which i try to give different kind to try. each vegetable puree i let him try for 3 days I only start giving porridge around month 10. However till now his breakfast is still Friso Gold Milk Cereal but with apple puree
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I'm mixing BLW with spoon feeding . When I attended a weaning workshop by Mdm wbb she actually mentioned that porridge should be fed later at ard 9 Mths. For eg. I will half my portion.. Half for BLW n half for puree.. N I always mixed the puree into the plain cereal to make it more nutritious n tasty :)
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I remembered attending a seminar from a pd that advised iron fortified rice cereal as first food as their iron storage is only adequate for the first 6 months of life and then start to deplete.
Thanks ☺
I never did cereal or rice as first foods. Instead i gave him pureed apples, bananas, brocolli, carrots, and pumpkins. Afterwhich i intend to switch and continue led weaning. :)
Not at all :)
This is a very gd book on the pro n cons of BLW n spoon feeding n how u can incorporate both to harness the pros of both methods

that's great!
Mum of a little munchkin