Will you mummies continue to provide BM or stop BM after returning to work? I feel that it is a hassle to pump during work and to store the BM.
Choose what you feel is the best for you. Don't stress due to social or peer pressure. Of course it will be good if you can continue on since you have already spent so much on the equipment. But I always belive a happy mummy will have a happy baby.
I only pump once a day at work, pump/latch right before work and right after coming home. It does take a lot of willpower but I feel happy that I can continue to breastfeed my baby. There's no rule here just whatever you're comfortable with.
I continued to pump after returning to work as it is still beneficial to feed lo BM for at least first 6 months of life. It also helps to contract the uterus and resume to previous figure faster. The benefits outweigh the hassle.
No doubt a hassle to pump, find time and storage to store milk etc. I think minium feed baby until 6 months if possible. After that, bb can slowly start to try solid and no much milk feed ardy. So.. Do it for at least 6 mths :)
Im having the same dilemma as u! I was thinking of BF too.. but to think of spending more on the storage, the bags and all is also the same as FM! 😭
For storage wise you can get a cooler bag to store the breast milk. I'm considering to get from packit.
It would be BM if I can provide. It’s a hassle but all worth it for baby immunity and well being!
It’s all up to you. But I will BM as long as I could.
Best effort basis :)
It's up to individual