Only 60ml breast milk
Hi mummies I’ve very low milk supply, currently at 60-70ml per pump. Baby is 6 months old. I pump every 4-5 hours. I tried several milk boosters and lactation supplements but don’t work. Will u stop or continue if u were me?

Keep going Mummy. Even if it is little. I used to pump hundreds in a day. Now I’m still pumping even if it’s just 10ml. I use that to mix with baby’s food. Or freeze it into cubes for baby to bite on when she’s teething. I also keep a stash of my very little milk so when she’s sick, I can give it to her. She’s drinking FM now, I can’t blame anyone but myself cause I haven’t been latching her as often, haven’t been drinking enough water, haven’t been diligently pumping and have been under a lot of stress. Sometimes I feel like a waste of time when I express milk and all I can see is droplets of it instead of shooting out from many different holes. It’s tragic. I miss it. I would say, 60ml is so much better than 10ml. And then again, 10ml is also better than none at all. So just keep going. Can also try power pump (even if it is dry pumping). 20 mins pump 10 mins rest (drink water) 10 mins pump 10 mins rest (drink water) 10 mins pump
Read moreYou should pump every 3 hours for 40 mins, as you pump every 4 to 5 hours it will decrease your supply very fast.. Power pump twice a day, first early in the morning and second before you sleep, every 3 hours pump 40 mins. Consume plenty of water, avocado, milk, yogurt, yam, milo. But remember a week before your period and during your period, supply do decrease.
Read moreI’m like you, at one point I wanted to give up, but I chose to continue because giving baby some bf is better than none. I feel that I shouldn’t deprive him the benefits of bf just because I am unable to keep up with his demand so I supplement with fm. Keep going!
I encountered the same dilemma during past pregnancy. People laughed at me and scolded me. They make me hate breastfeeding at one point but I choosed to continue that time. 60ml is a lot at least two feedings a day when combined. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
they say breast is best. But I say FED is BEST! As long as your LO is healthy and thriving. It doesn't matter if Formula or BF as long as LO is being fed
If ur goal is to feed LO BM. Continue pump. Mixed supplement with FM. If I still have milk even supplement 1 feeding I will continue pump.
Yes having some is better than none. Give the pumped milk to baby asap to reap max benefit. Are u latching or just pumping ?
For me I will go into mixed feeds. Having some bm is better than none.