10 Replies

If I were u I wld just put my baby in ifc. Try to talk to ur husband tt there's more benefit sending ur kid to ifc as she'll learn more in a sch setting. For myself, my firstborn was taken care of by my own mom for the first 2 years. At tt time it was thought of as the best decision as I didn't want my baby to get sick often which will happen in ifc. but the consequence is tt my boy got so pampered by his grandma, for e.g my mom wld let him watch tv every day, every time she needed to do housework. I totally understand tt it's inevitable cz it's really hard to juggle housework with child rearing esp with a baby who started walking very early at 8+ mths so we couldn't keep him in a playard for long, he cld climb out easily. Thus giving him screen time is the only easy way to keep him still so allowing my mom to do other things without him walking ard the house. This is a common issue among my friends too who had parents helping to take care of their children. Some grandparents also couldn't take it when their kids tell them what can or cannot do with their grandchildren (sth tt u need to be prepared next time if any issue crops up with the way your MIL takes care of ur child). For me, it's easier for me to talk to my mom because well, she's my own mom and she is receptive to whatever we say and will ask us first if want to feed sth new but I just had to close one eye abt the screen time issue. It did somehow caused my boy to have a slight speech delay but aft we sent him to childcare at 2+ years old, he quickly caught up and now a chatterbox at 3 years old. So I think if it's MIL, it's gonna be a bit harder to handle. Maybe if she's very eager to take care, perhaps u may want to let her fetch your baby sometimes? Take the time to go out for dinner with ur hubby or friends perhaps. or on wkends. I do that after my boy started childcare. and now my with 2nd, I'm sending her to IFC. my mom helps to fetch her sometimes if I come home late frm work.

Hi there! I can totally understand your concern about leaving your baby with your mother-in-law, especially after what happened with your sister-in-law's daughter. Trust is really important when it comes to leaving your little one in someone else's care. It's great that you initially considered daycare for your baby while you're at work, and if that's still an option you feel comfortable with, it might be worth exploring further. You could also look into other childcare options, like hiring a nanny or finding a trusted relative or friend to help out. It's tough when there's disagreement between you and your husband about this issue, but it's important to have open and honest communication about your concerns. Maybe sit down with him and try to find a compromise that works for both of you and ensures the safety and well-being of your baby. Remember, your baby's safety and your peace of mind are top priorities, so don't feel bad about wanting to make sure they're in the best possible hands. Hopefully, you can find a solution that works for everyone involved. Good luck! https://invl.io/cll6she

Just sign up for the infant care slot and put baby there. You will have a peace of mind. Don’t stress over MIL, it’s not worth it. Tell her nicely that she is old already you don’t want to tire her out. And infant teachers are trained to teach babies how to develop their motor/ brain / speech developmental skills better than anyone of us… so it’s better for baby to go school. Not trying to scare you but if she can give banana at 4 months old, she might do other stuff like giving water at below 6 months also, and anyhow feed other kinds of food when baby is older etc. And teach all the baby language which is not so desirable.

Totally understand the amount of stress you are in. To be honest, I feel that your husband should put you and baby first as you are now a family. In an ideal situation, he should be concerned with how you are feeling as a mother and make sure you are in optimal health mentally and physically so that you can continue to care for your baby. Adding the stress of mother in law is not helping. I feel your husband should man up and speak up for you and his family. Not just adhere to what his mum wants. All the best.

I guess you should talk to your husband. Let your husband know your very concern. Let your husband relay your concern to his mother. Just don't tell her straight to her face. She might be heart broken. You see, our parents generation.. their character.. sometimes i just can't stand it too.. they expect us to listen to them cos they think they are always right.. Talk nicely ya.. ❤️

Being mean????? Hello?? Isn’t it a mother’s job to protect her baby? You do you. You can explained that you want your baby to build immunity and social skills hence childcare is suitable.

Have you thought of being a SAHM and take care of your baby on your own? Of course, you and husband must be financially stable and agree on this.

Put in ifc.




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