Breast Pump
Hi mommies, please suggest me a best breast pump. Im in dilemma in choosing breast pump.

Skrg ada promosi diva breast pump rm299, sale until 4th june. Heavy duty ssuai utk ep mom & ibu bkerja.. Blh tgk d ig @eveloveofficial
Hi sis, you can try breast pumps from this list:
last time i buy from QQbaby..only 39 as promotion.queen brand and quiet ok until now still can use..i buy last 4month ago..
I pakai autumnz passion. Complete set around rm350+. So far okay dah pakai around 4 months.
I pon guna pump ni. Bunyi moderate. Just soze besar sikit. Gud luck!
youha😁 level suction bole pilih then kecik jak bole masuk beg 😅
yaa mom rasa nya baby stork ada jual ada nmpak ig bnyak jual brg baby😁
I use nuby... but have real bubbee klau xde budget
Real bubbee tu bising kew sis.. Nubay tu nanti i survey..
Lacte elite
Will survey about it.. Thank for the suggestion..
Real bubbee
Yeah, saya pun guna ni.. suction best, tak sakit.. affordable price, size kecil..senang bawa travel hihii
Spectra m1
Spectra m1@9+
Okay dear
Mommy of 1 superhero son