Baby induced at week 40
Hi any mom here had induced delivery? I'm currently at week 39. I seen my gynae today and was told if I have no labour symptoms before my EDD I have to admit and induce.

If baby’s getting big (compared to your pelvic size), then your gynae might ask you to induce instead of waiting longer than your EDD, so that you have a better chance of being able to push baby out. Of course, if you go into labour on your own, then the time in the delivery suite is also shorter. For induction, you’ll have a small tablet inserted into the vagina. That softens the cervix and gets it to dilate, prompting contractions. The duration of the process to enter active labour is highly variable.. from a couple of hours to >24 hours. If things are not moving along, they may insert a second tablet, or start an IV medicine to increase the contractions (you can request for pain relief prior). What’s most important is that you and baby are safe and healthy, so don’t worry so much and have a safe delivery!
Read moreHi. I am 41 weeks a year ago when i safely delivered my child and was 4 days late after my Edd. My last check up i was actually 2cm dilated but didn't want to get induced so i endure for the next few days. So after endured for 4 days, i surrender myself to delivery suite in the morning. Waited for 2 hours for doctor to come as we came at 7am. After waited (in observation ward) and checked, i was 6cm dilated (worth the 4 days of waiting and contractions). Then right after 2pm, i was induced via drip for antibiotics to fasten my labour. Came in the delivery suite from observation ward from 7am to 12 noon. Right at 1505 hours, safely delivered. It has been a year into motherhood life. We are trying for 2nd anytime soon when the time comes. Thanks for reading.
Read moreHi mama, first of all, congratulations! Second, if I may, can I ask if the gynae explained how he/she will carry out inducing you and via what methods? Do you have a choice or a say? And do you know the pros and cons of all advice offered to make an informed choice for yourself? I ask simply because we all have our own individual boundaries and limits. I personally advocate knowing what is going to happen when certain decisions are made so that you know what to expect and that you’re okay with it. The story of the births of our children is told over and over. The more positive birth you have, the happier mama you’ll be.
Read moreHi. Just went for my 39 weeks check last week. No signs labor yet. Water level was sufficient. Everything seem good. Waiting for my 40 week scan this weekend to see any progression. Edd on 21st Nov. hopefully anytime soon now so that i dont have to be induced at 41 week. This is my second pregnancy. It feels so long… i cant take it anymore, the pressure n anxiety 🤣
Read moreI was supposedly due to be induced on my EDD. I rem speaking to my baby in tummy, telling her to come naturally if not mummy needs to be induced & mummy is scared... 😅😅 Lo and behold, she came at 39+6.. Saved me from getting induced! Speak to ur baby, they hear u & will listen to mummy... Jiayou.
Today is my 38 weeks and 5 Days. I dont know where to gave birth due to pndemic. The Lying in clinic where should Be my birthing place has closed due to lock down.. I dont know where to go because some hospitals and Lying in are not accepting pregnant women
Read moreMy gal was induced at 40weeks. Dr told me in sg, we dont go beyond 40weeks. Dont worry. As long as the baby is carried more than 36 weeks, it should be well developed.😊 All the best, mummy!
Yes, was induced at week 39. My waterbag broke but no contractions at all so had to induce.. Just follow your gynae's instructions. You'll be fine. Jiayou
i was induced at exact 40weeks. last checkup was 2 days before edd and i had no labour symptoms w baby may be too big for my size if wait longer
I was induced at 39 week also. It was really painful but I delivered it normal :)