5 Replies

umm....did you just tell me what i go through when my in-laws visit? wow...crazy similarities - hence proven you are not alone ;) I used to suffer from severe, and i mean, severe panic and anxiety attacks each time my in-laws would come to visit. they would find fault with every single thing, and nothing was ever good. the worst part was that they would mess up the house and still blame me and moan about it. but now, i have let it be. if they like what they see, it's fine. if they don't, it's their issue not mine. tell your husband to either tell his parents to stop cribbing, or if they find it annoying, to clean up themselves, as this is supposed to be their home too.

Can some in-laws ever be pleased? If you keep your spic and span they will find some other fault! As its a matter of few days, you can hire a help exclusively to keep the house clean and sparkling! Most Indian boys are Mama's boys who don't want to hurt their moms or parents albeit they can hurt their wife! You can already see that there is no point in talking to your husband. Sometimes ignoring also works. Don't try too hard! Tell your husband that you will do to the best of your abilities and that he also needs to support you.

listen dear, just be direct with your husband, look him in the eye the next time he behaves like this and say ''really? we both know your parents dont really need a clean house, look at theirs'' and i think he will understand. if not, tell him that he can take responsibility since it is his parents and his home too, and clean up the way he wants in order to please them

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I can so much relate to this.

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