Hi mummy! Congratulations on your new journey and hope you are doing okay. I understand that there are good and bad days but you'll get through this. Firstly, i understand that your MIL is willingly to 'help' you in some areas but the techniques that she does might be different. She's from a different generation hence her understanding on how to take care of a baby is different and most definitely you'd disagree.
During my confinement days, my MIL was supposed to help me out but i do not like some of her methods hence I handled my LO in my own ways. At the end day, We're a mom and sacrifices are required. There are things we need to sacrifice like sleep time, freedom and much more. Instead of asking her to handle your baby, allow her to do the chores instead. Like the laundry or cooking. You should make a routine for your baby so that it can be a guidance/reference for your MIL. By reminding the dos and donts to her on regular basis will definitely offends her.
For myself, I created a routine for my daughter and if ever I need anyone else to take care of my child, I am firm with the lists. We cannot depend everything on the elderly or even on your husband. Your husband is working and will not have many hours to learn and understand your baby as well. If you are planning not to work anytime soon then do create a routine. You've mentioned that your baby is a light sleeper so create a better sleeping enviroment for him or train him to sleep in other ways, to prepare better for the future. I've always trained my daughter to sleep in not so dark areas and not necessarily to be super damn quiet. Hence if I'm talking on the phone or light noises won't be able to wake her up from her naps. Do what's best for your baby and at the end of the day, you're the best caregiver for him. You can do this mummy, slowly but surely! ❤️