hi my lo is 1yr plus and she is very naughty :( she throws tantrum when she don't get what she wants and throws things. she sometimes even hit aiming the face. I know she's still young but such a handful... any mummies went thru the same thing? how to "discipline" her?

Many 1yr plus kids are like that. But they’re never too young to be disciplined:) At this age, they already understand your tone of voice and simple words like “No”. They also are starting to understand things like simple consequences. So you can firmly tell your LO that they don’t get their way when they throw tantrums (use a lower voice, speak slower and look them straight in the eye). If she throws things, pick up the item, show it to her, and hold her hand with your other hand firmly, saying, “No throwing things.” or something to that effect. These methods may help before your kid turns 2yo, and then it becomes even more difficult 😅
Read moreHi! Saw your reply below and yes my LO does the same too! She will even imitate our body language by crossing her arms and showing angry expression. She too will throw things and stomp her feet when she doesn’t get her way. My sister (preschool teacher) shares that I shouldn’t emphasise on the wrong doing, like I shouldn’t tell LO “You cannot shout/ throw toys” because little kids will interpret as “Shout/ Throw”. So instead, I should demonstrate the correct actions like “Speak softly like this / Put the toy down like this”. Oh well, I’m still “trial and error” with this approach.
Read moreBabies this age are learning cause and effect. They want to see how they can affect the world and throwing things is super common as they want to find out what will happen when the stuff fall. Most important thing is to stay calm and don't give them a reaction, they love to see how you react so if you make a big deal out of it they will want to do it even more. Don't reprimand them or hit or yell at them. Just firmly repeat "No" while holding up the thing they threw. It will definitely take some time before they understand so be patient :)
Read moreMy girl is very naughty too scream and shout if she dont get it what i did was i use ny hand to beat her leg after saying many times. Now she see if my hands up she will not continue her nonsense