my baby wants to play outdoors almost the entire day, without any naps or food. she often throws a tantrum if i try to bring her home. what can i do

aww its that stage when the world out there is beckoning and you are trying to hold back your little explorer :) i think almost all of us go through this stage as parents. but yes, you will have to get firm when it is food and nap time. let her throw a tantrum, just try to tell her that you are coming back soon. tell her that the birds and flowers also have to sleep for some time, so that you can all play again. keep trying :)
Read moreKids get used to a certain habit when formed! He is a kid and doesn't realize the importance of naps or meals! For him, life is just a playground.. Fix his play times. Establish a routine for him. It might take a few days and he might throw tantrums but be consistent. Gradually, his routine will be set. Have patience!
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