Do you let your kid cry it out or your maternal instincts cannot take it?

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I used to let them cry it out for a little while. It depends on what age group also they are and for what r they shedding tears. I guess when it's genuine like due to an injury or fear I would immediately attend to them. But if it's tantrum bcoz of what they wanted, then I would stand there as long as they cry but won't cave in to silly demand. My younger one did tht for a toy in the super market when he was 3 yrs old. He kept howling while I stood there with a firm look. My elder one who was 5 yrs at that time, said to my tantrum throwing one, that if mom says something she will do it. If she says she won't buy, so she won't. So why do you want to waste your energy. Let's ask dad. Listening to him, my younger one stopped. And I could move on with the shopping. Later he told my husband how bad I am.

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8y ago

haha, thanks for sharing your experience :)

Hi, Well! There are times when I let her cry it out. And there are times when I control the situation there and then. It actually depends on what is the issue. If she is throwing a tantrum then I do not try to appease her and let her get over it. Because I know that if I entertain her tantrum, she will going to repeat it and she would know that she can use that each time to have her way. Also, it is also important here that how old is the kid. We know that little kids throw tantrums often but same doesn't go with kids who are in their pre-teens and teens. There may be something that is bothering her, and one has to hold them and let them know you are there even if you let them be on their own.

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i don't let my kids cry it out at all. but yes, it has happened that my younger one has cried for a minute or so and i have let her do that. then i bend down and get to her height level, and ask her what is wrong. i open up my arms to her and tell her that it is alright to cry, but now mamma is here and we should stop crying and talk instead. i tell her i love her and she immediately stops crying. i can't let my kids cry it out at all

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Hey! Yes i do it sometimes as well. It really depends on the situation and age group of the child. For eg my. Boy is 3 years old, and if he is out for a tantrum eith no underlying reason just totally beimg a brat, ill let him. Cry it out. Nevertheless, when will we ever not feel the heartache. Like the old people say, i beat you, i also pain. Lol.

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i dont actually. i know a lot of parenting gurus say that you should let your child cry it out, but it's just not something that i can do.