Maternal Milk
Hi Mummies, Which maternal milk do you consume during your pregnancy? Do you consume it throughout the pregnancy or you stopped at a certain time?

I would like to consume dutchlady milk for pregnant women. But since now in this second pregnancy, i like to consume ostematrix shaklee. Just because it's simple for me to get more calcium in my body.. And it just make me to keep consistent when consuming for my needed in this second pregnancy..
I actually got a free maternal milk - Similac Mum and I’m glad to get the trial version cause It made me nauseous but I do still drink at times because I was told baby’s weight was dropping. I stopped when my baby’s weight has increased to the average percentile. Hehe
Hi there, maternal milk is good but high in sugar also the taste is very thick for me.. For my 1st born i took Anmum & i gained weight. For my 2nd &3rd i took mainly just freshmilk, soya milk & oats milk. All is well & sufficient.
i tried milk samples before buying. i like frisomum and anmum. im in the middle of my second tin and im thinking if i should stop since i noticed im gaining more weight than usual. you can also ask your gynae for advice
I wanted t9 drink maternal milk but my gynae told me not to drink coz its fattening and high in sugar may lead u to have GDM… so i just drink normal fresh cold milk in morning.. or hot goats milk at night..
I can’t drink milk since I had my morning sickness and the dr told its not necessary. He gave me calcium tablets instead.
started taking wakodo during 3rd trimester
took similac mum from second trimester