Washing hair

Let's be truthful here.. How often do u wash ur hair during confinement? Anyone really managed to go one mth without washing their hair?

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Super Mum

I wash every two to three days using the herbs from medical shops for confinement.

Wow didn't know so many of you wash everyday. I can't imagine not washing too.

VIP Member

I saw the herb from yu ren seng I did ask them they say alt day can already,

I took a quick herbal bath once per week and dry my hair with hair dryer.

VIP Member

Once daily. Cannot stand not washing it. 3rd week onwards, twice daily.

I wash everyday! Can’t stand not washing hair! So oily how to live??

VIP Member

I washed once every 2 days. It is too hot in sgp to not wash our hair.


Nope. I washed my hair and has bath daily but using herbal concoction

VIP Member

Hi... I managed to survive confinement month without washing my hair

VIP Member

I wash every 2 days! While still in hospital, I washed everyday