Hospital Bersalin

Korang prefer bersalin dekat hospital Kerajaan atau swasta? Mana lagi better? Boleh bagi pendapat x?? #seriusnanya #firstbaby #ingintahu #pleasehelp #firstmom #bantusharing

24 Balas
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Whats the need for the comparison? ☺️ Mana mana okay, government okay, swasta okay, yang bayar murah okay bayar mahal pun okay, affordability lain lain, Both government and swasta, service lebih kurang, sometimes if you’re lucky you can experience both the good and the bad of both 😋 If boleh afford without susahkan orang lain then go for it, nothing to worry just go for it Sbb i know some yang sanggup berhutang just for the sake nak beranak kat hospital swasta which is bad so yeah, and end up suami kena kerja extra hard pulak hmm, carilah duit sendiri kan 🤔 Advise to all, never go for something for the sake of glamour or name ♥️

Baca lagi
2y ago

setuju tu. Sy pun selesa dgn kerajaan. alhamdulillah nurse dan doc baik². Semua luck. Sy rasa kalau ada yg dpt angin tak baik tu elakkan dari overthinking sbb nnt kita tambah rasa tak selesa. Swasta sy mmg belum rasa bersalin sbb bila dgr kawan kata cecah hampir 10k utk caesarean,sy tak mampu😁. Sbb kalau kita nak kira bajet terpaksa kita kira sampai Max kan takut apa² jadi.