Isit normal that 8 mths 4 days old not able to sit by her own and not able to crawl yet?

Yes it’s possible. There’s an age range for developmental milestones. My first child was also slower than my second child. I’ve learnt not to compare, and just let each one go at their own pace. You can continue letting your child practise sitting and doing tummy time every day:) Use props to motivate her. Let her sit and try to grab something, or place her on her tummy and her favourite thing just out of reach, so that she can try to move towards it. She’ll get there:)
Read moreCrawling is not an issue. Should be able to crawl by 1 yr old. But need to consult to ur PD reagarding sitting milestone. As I know 8 months still cant sit is a bit concern to me. Do u practise sitting with ur baby? Try it everyday. Also at this age, they should be able to stand (with support). All their body's weight is focus on the foot at least for a few second
Read moreDepends by what u mean by "sit on her own".. Most babies would have some level of ability to sit at 8 months with a bit of support. Crawling can be from 6 to 10 months, probably not an immediate concern. Do continue to monitor progress and bring it up with PD or GP at next visit if it is still a concern.
Read moreidk about the sitting by her own, maybe you can ask a PD? but its normal if baby doesnt crawl yet at 8 months. babies all develop differently :) mine crawl at 10 months
Hey, Every baby's development pace is different but still would be better to consult your PD for this and be double sure on your baby's growth parameters
Every child is different..If the pd didn't raise any concern during the routine checks then should be fine..
It's possible, my son did not sit on his own and did not crawl much. He just started to walk before turning 1.
He is so chubby and heavy.
Better to get evaluated by doctor. Crawl maybe not but should sit on her own.
My kid doesn't crawl. She walks right awae when she's 1 yr old.
Yes possible ...But you may also want to consult a pediatrician