full month
Isit a must to have full month celebration for baby ? I dun wish to have this celebration at the end of the month but some uncle at his side said must have . It's annoying me . Wad gives him the rights to make decision even if he is the biggest uncle bla bla bla . Surname etc is just a word in the ic . It should be my decision the one who give birth to my baby . I said 100 days I'm still ok when I'm at least ready recovered and baby get his full 3 jabs . But some stupid chinese thing old fashion want it 1 month . I feel so stress every single day . I got no appetite to even eat . I'm stress everytime my in laws come n visit they keep talking so loud and chor lor infront of my baby . N when he is sleeping somemore . N when he is sleeping my husband want me to let them carry . Its disturbing my baby . Why are they so inconsiderate . It makes me scared everytime when I hear they are coming . My husband thinks I'm having depression . He thinks I think everyone is a threat to my baby . But tts not wad i think . I just feel ppl shud be more considerate when there is a baby here . I've talk things out with him but haiz . Am I being too over protective towards my baby or am I being wrong .

hey mummy. so sorry to hear about you. hmmm i think its your decision, rather than others so do stand up for yourself and baby. they should understand with this pandemic, its better not to have the celebration. as for baby sleeping and disturbing, do inform them strictly NO to them. baby is sleeping and their brain is developing. waking them up in the midst of it can cause development delay. even when my husband made so much noise when baby is sleeping, i will be super angry. explain to them its very important for newborn to get alot of sleep as they need to get used to the new world and developing their brain. as for your husband, if he thinks you have depression, shouldn't he be helping and understands you? he should have known better than blabber his mouth like that. sorry. explain to him firmly. like i said, stand up for yourself and baby. i know its not easy but its for yourself and baby. no one can protect baby esp, except you since your husband isnt helping one way or another. Your feelings and views are valid. take care mummy ♥️
Read moreI feel you. It’s not a must to have a full month celebration. It’s ok to do a 100 day celebration too when you have recovered and your baby’s immune system is better. That being said, your baby’s immunity is still very weak and you are right to be cautious especially with COVID. I made everyone who visited me wash hands and sanitise their hands before they can touch my baby. If they are sick, I would tell them not to come to my place. I will tell them that I am the one taking care of baby if baby falls sick. I don’t let anyone else except immediate family carry my baby. If baby is sleeping, I don’t let them carry now. I used to do that and my baby became so cranky. In the end, I am the one to suffer. The viruses are very resistant nowadays unlike last time. Please be firm, talk to your husband again and i hope he will be on your side. It’s ok to be protective or overprotective but don’t overdo it. Logic will triumph. Don’t be too stressed and eat well also. Your baby needs the best version of you! You need to recover fast!
Read moreYou're the baby's parents , do wht you're comfortable with . They are not your baby's parents , so don't care what they say. You have the most rights to decide what you want for your baby!! Along w the current covid19 situation, it's also dangerous for newborn or baby since their immune system might be still weak etc . Baby's health is priority. Other celebrations can be done later .
Read moreJust ignore. I didn't have any parties for my boy when he was 1 month, 100 days or 1 years old. It's really up to the parents ultimately. It's not like that uncle is going to help plan for the party anyway. As new parents you all already have so much to be busy about. But disturbing a sleeping baby is a no-no. It's perfectly fine to protect your baby and voice it out.
Read moreNot a must, but u can choose to do 100day when bb is bigger.. and u feel more comfortable.. if u not comfortable why force urself.. I feel the same when I just give birth, stress when ppl visit, scarr they wake.him up.. but I told my hubby frankly tat when baby is sleeping nobody is suppose to carry.. he is supportive and inform his relative beforehand..
Read moreI'm not planning to do anything. Baby health and safety most impt. Why bother about what others say? Govt already mentioned no gathering, social distancing. My mil is those very strict and old fashioned thinking. I asked my husband to explain to her. And she understands. Nothing beats their safety
Not a must. I did not celebrate too. There are actually many articles online on babies who caught virus as too many guests kissed and hugged the baby. One of my friend's baby was hospitalalised after the full month celebration too. Maybe you can tell your husband and show him some online articles.
To me I know it's not a must but to them and his biggest uncle they got this stupid mindset of chinese custom and he n his mother scared what ppl say . I said 100 days I dun mind though still abit uncomfortable with it but he said if 100 days ppl might not come and no red packet to take . All they think is the money and what ppl say . I saw all those articles too I showed him n told him and infact this is my second child but his first child ,he take things very easy . When I told him this than he said put in the pram cover and tell ppl say he sleeping dun disturb only can see. So what if he suddenly wake up cause ppl keep opening and talking so loud etc or just nice he stomachache or hungry than when ppl see he awake le they start to touch and carry . Than when one start to carry all start to carry . Than he said only his parents and my parents can carry . But back to same thing if they start to carry the others will also start to carry . N my mil is those talk super loud and chor lor
We didnt even throw a party for LO’s one month and 100 days. Thinking of planning her first bday instead. She would be bigger and more sociable.. I personally feel 1 month is too soon. Afterall, we just completed confinement and still trying to get the hang of things..
Lol lol y ur mil clothes also want comment . They think red lucky color . Sometimes I dun understand wads in their head .
You have a right to want to protect your baby. Best you build boundaries where elders need to Also respect wishes specially of the mother. If you feel 100 day celebration is better, then sit down with your husband to discuss pros and cons and get his support here
I discussed with him le. I told him but he and his mother like 1 team . He said he n his mother also dun mind 100 days but his mother scared ppl say . But funny thing is why is his mother even part of the picture now . To him he think after married is a whole family thing including his parents and my parents . But to keep after married is us only we handle our own things and no one else can make any decision . All they care is respect the elders bla bla bla . All he care is make everyone happy but nv care about his wife feelings . Than if I slay about my feelings he says I'm selfish .
Not a must. I didn’t have any full month or 100 days celebration for my baby. Save all the trouble and hassle. Baby is too young to understand and remember all this celebrations. Do what you feel is right, you’re the Mother so you have the final say.
Ikr. Dunhave is the best . I'm stress later my baby not sleeping or sleeping give them wake up than one by one want carry . All the germs and bacteria from their body all go onto my baby when he havent even get second jab on 1 month . I did said firmly tt I dunwan and told him I dun care what ppl say . But he still want to do it cause got red packets to take and they scared ppl say them (he n his mom) . So now this 1 month thing is he and his mother planning . When I say I make decision he says I'm selfish , says baby belong to me only isit. I said I'm the mother of the child everyone shud respect me . But I end up get shoot back say so the father of the child cant make any decision for baby ? I'm speechless . I dunno how to make him understand .