Is it true that it takes time for your body to go back to pre pregnancy shape? I am 5kg away from my pre pregnancy weight but my hips are still very wide. I used to Hv hourglass body figure and look good in any attires. Now I can't even look myself in the mirror. Wanted to revamp my wardrobe but when I went shopping, I don't look good in all attires and ended up empty handed.

It took about 6 months to get back to the pre pregnancy weight, but tummy still flabby & arms still big. Dont get too upset with the changes in our body. We have sacrifice our body figure to get a cute baby. Having nice body after giving birth is a bonus, but don't despair if you have not. Try to revamp to the kind of wardrobe that suits your current body, not the other way round. You are still the same confident girl inside you.
Read moreIt will take quite some time to get back to pre-pregnancy figure but natural birth will be harder for the hips to back exactly to before as baby needs to push through the hips to come out. Most mummies bind them after birth to keep them into shape but not too much if not it will become flat. My baby is 8 months now and I am back to pre-pregnancy weight just recently but I am still flabby around!
Read moreYou're not alone, Mommy! I am 6 months post partum and I am far from my pre-pregnancy weight. My pre-pregnancy weight is 100 lbs and now I am 112 lbs! Since I am not breastfeeding anymore, I just started to go on a diet last week. 1 rice a day, more veggies, at night I only eat oatmeal, then I bought a corset which I wear almost 24 hours a day. Let's see how this goes after a month. Try it too! :)
Read moreI'm understand how you feel. The more you stress, the more you unable to lost weight. I take 3 years to loss weight but still not back to pre pregnancy weight. Try to cut down carbohydrates and take varieties of fruits and vegetables. Regular exercise, stay positive and healthy because your baby still need your attention and care!!! Jiayou!!!
Read moreI took 12 months before I could stand looking at myself in the mirror again. Now at 18 months I look at myself and think "damn I look good" ok just kidding with that but I'm finally closer to what I was before. It does take time. I find, however, that my hips have expanded. Not sure if it changed so the baby could exit the birth canal.
Read moreBreastfeeding your baby will help your body go back to its pre-pregnancy form in 6 to 8 weeks. Breastfeeding burns 500 calories a day, which is equivalent to 1 hour of strenuous running or swimming. When you breastfeed, the hormone oxytocin is released which helps in shrinking uterus back to original size.
Read moreI am a S size before preg. It took me 8 mths to go back to my S size. I went swimming and some light exercise, took lesser rice to lose those baby fats. For my 2nd child, I took 5 mths and I went back to shape. I took more veg, meat but less carbo (rice or noodles).
Don't fret too much. Nutrition is the most important to be healthy. If you are breastfeeding, it will definitely help cos it will help ypu burn calories faster. I lost even more than my pre pregnancy weight. Try it.
Read more2 1/2 months later and I am no where close to my prepregnancy weight. My arms are huge and I still have a paunch. Not started dieting as I want to have good milk supply. Also not started exercise yet. Have 6 kg more to go.
i took 3 months from 64kg to 45kg. never exercise. never diet. i think is the lack of sleep of taking care my twins & fully breastfeed them. all fats converted to milk