Is it possible if the child custody to be under the father? Child is still a baby.

Yes it is possible, in the eyes of the law. Both Father and Mother have equal rights. GIA - Paragraph 3 & 4. Welfare of infant to be paramount consideration 3. Where in any proceedings before any court the custody or upbringing of an infant or the administration of any property belonging to or held in trust for an infant or the application of the income thereof is in question, the court, in deciding that question, shall regard the welfare of the infant as the first and paramount consideration and save in so far as such welfare otherwise requires the father of an infant shall not be deemed to have any right superior to that of the mother in respect of such custody, administration or application nor shall the mother be deemed to have any claim superior to that of the father. Equal right of mother to apply to court 4. The mother of an infant shall have the like powers of applying to the court in respect of any matter affecting the infant as are possessed by the father. 1) In the absence of child abuse , shared care and control with a care arrangement that allows the child to spend with 1 parent 30~50% of the time will benefit the child. Let us remember that a child has uniquely 2 parents - A father and a mother.
Read moreIt is not necessary. The judge will decide based on the situation. Considerations for Custody: When deciding who to give the custody and/or the care and control/access of your child to, the Judge may also consider your wishes and those of your spouse/ex-spouse and the wishes of your child, (if old enough to express an opinion), but the Court considers the interest of the child as paramount. You can engage a lawyer to give a detailed consultation. Here is a list for divorce lawyers:
Read moreyes possible. provided the mother given the rights, custody will go to father, care n control go to father. Uncontested Divorce, both party agree to agreement on what both think for the child. Contested, thats where the judge decide.
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Yes it is possible. Unless it's proven that the mother is unable to care for the child or the mother gives the child up.
If your question is just a simple yes or no then my answer is yes. Everything is possible in Singapore.
Yes it is possible however the court will try to give custody to the mother. Unless proven otherwise.
Yes it is possible. Best to approach a lawyer for legal advice.
I would think so. Think consult lawyer the best.