Anxiety during pregnancy

In my 12th week now. I have prior case of anxiety before I got pregnant. Panic attacks when overly stressed and mental breakdowns. Now that I’m pregnant, I just had my first panic attack in the pregnancy and it was 20x worse than before. I’m stressed out at work, at home, with extended family and worried about money and health. I don’t know what to do. My husband suggests that I slow down at work. He is able to support us. But I feel guilty. Today, while he was driving on the highway, I opened the door and was ready to fling myself out. But thankfully I managed to stop myself. Really scared my husband by doing that. I also scared myself. I don’t know how to deal with my stress anymore. Doctor says I cannot exercise yet. I just feel so frustrated. I don’t want to get into a car. I don’t want to go out. I don’t have mood to work. I don’t even have mood to do anything - not even look at social media or watch videos. Just want to lie in bed all day. I read all this people online say oh try prenatal yoga, try meditation blablabla. I honestly don’t have mood to do that. Now I’m just wondering if I should seek professional help. Just so tired of everything. So overwhelmed.

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Hi, just to share that I had panic attacks before my pregnancy....before my pregnancy, my attacks are so bad that it happened almost depression..... Been in/out hospital many times for that becos of heart palpitations... went to see a psychiatrist in SGH and was prescribed medication for that... stubborn me, tried to overcome without medication.... but things got worse that I cried almost everyday and relied on my hubby v badly...cos I'm afraid of being alone at that time... I'm mummy with 3 kids....For the sake of my family, I feel that I have to take the medicine as I do not want to continue giving negative thoughts to them...... After medication, mood starts to go well..... I'm expecting my No. 4 and I'm still on my panic attacks medication......Doc said it's safe to take during pregnancy...... till now everything was doing well..... and I'm 15 weeks pregnant now....So I feel that as for your symptoms now, for the sake of your family, it's best to seek professional help.... remember that you are not alone.... Hope everything goes well for you.... God bless you.

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5y ago

Hi there ,how have u been?i have been having severe panic attack and anxiety for the past three months since i give birth😟😟 I used to have anxiety before pregnant,during pregnant and now after pregnant.I feel so so scared and paranoid but im still surviving because i pray and ask God help.I wanted to seek help from doctor but i heard that anti depressants are very dangerous and can make ur condition worsen and even end up with suicidal thoughts!I don’t want that to happen but i seriously need help now.please share with me ur medication and experience too.Thank u and hugs

If there is anyone in your friends and family who is your confidante, do seek them out and talk. else do seek out professional counselling. your health and your babys physical and mental health is the most important right now. both as your right and as your responsibility you need to ensure safety for both. also its easy for the harmonal changes to leave us in doubt and anxiety. do remember that with the challenges will come the biggest joys of your life....the laughter and the absolutely the strongest of bonds.

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I really can relate on panic attacks.. sometimes I just break down and cry because I just really feel tired because of nausea, vomiting and this heightened sense of smell that sometimes I dont want to breath. I'm scared/worried that the baby might not be normal or might have an abnormality (God forbid) because I am not able to take prenatal vitamins since I puke all the time and because of stress and depression. Hoping and praying that we could get through this mommies.. God bless us all!

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Currently facing the same situation! before I was pregnant I had anxiety and panic attacks. Even going for a therapy sessions with a professional help, or prenatal yoga is not helping at all. afew days ago I had anxiety attack for 4 days straight and I didn't talk to anyone except for my husband , even with my mum husband i ignore him sometimes and probably spend my time alone , reading or drawing or listening that helps me to calm down.

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5y ago

Sorry to hear that. I hope you managed to overcome. thankfully I managed to get over it by second trimester.

VIP Member

Hi Pregnant Mum... from your message, it seems quite serious. I suggest you seek professional help soonest possible. And please try to take things easy, slow down at work and just relax... take care

Yes, mummy, please seek help soonest possible. You need professional support. I’m sure the support will help you manage this better. Jiayou. Take good care, God bless you and baby.

VIP Member

Hey I understand the don’t wanna do anyth feeling. I forced myself to go for activities n classes to keep my mind away from unhealthy stuff n the siansation. U just gotta do it!! Fighting!!

5y ago

Thanks dear! My second trimester was so much better. I started exercising and felt very happy.

I would suggest you to think about your baby more. I used to have really bad panic attacks that I can just break down loudly in the mrt. But once I got pregnant it really calmed me down.

5y ago

Thanks dear. My first trimester I think the hormones were really strong. Second and now I’m in my third, I’m feeling so much happier. Didnt get any more episodes.

VIP Member

Hi, suggest you to seek for professional counsellor/psychologist to help you out. They are the best person to give you advice and overcome your anxiety/depression.

5y ago

That's great!! Sure feeling excited to meet your little bundle of joy ya! ☺️☺️

same situation.I've been suffering also from panic attacks