im in early pregnancy

im about 3 weeks in pregnancy but I noted this morning im light bleeding ???? its ok?

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Tulis jawapan

maybe u should ask the doctor.. some people okay some peolpe will become worst.. for me, i had almost 1-2 weeks bleeding.. i saw the doctor, doctor did checkup for me and her said, sometimes it is normal.. just make sure do not push yourself to do heavy work.. take alot of rest if can..

last monday i have light bleeding too. when i see the doc, they said i have fibroid. 😢😢 i am 7weeks and 5days..

Its not ok to me..see your gynecologist..usually cases..doc will give you injection & duphaston for your womb..

Please consult doctor. Early pregnancy likes yours is still “fragile”.. go for checkup asap.

6y ago

thanks... im still waiting for the Dr

1-2 spots is okay.. it might be implantation bleeding

you can try to see doctor for scan. light bleed should be okay

go see a doctor immediately.