To keep or to terminate?
I’m 6weeks pregnant. Informed my fiancè about it last week & he wanted me to terminate the pregnancy. Reasons - he is not ready & unstable. His point, It is an early stage of pregnancy so terminating it is fine. 🙄 I’m a career woman in my 30s. It has been giving me a lot of stress then I began to spot/bleed at week 5. Doc puts me on 2 weeks progesterone to support the pregnancy.. I’m so confused & lost. #pleasehelp

You have to ask yourself if you’re ready to be responsible for the baby. I had an abortion last year. I kept telling the baby that it isn’t the right time, and now I’m pregnant again. It’s afterall your own decision. My husband supports me in whatever I choose to do, so I hope your fiancé/husband-to-be is supporting you the same way too. But then again you have to think of your age. I am younger than you, probably why I could conceive easily again. If you decide on abortion, do not let yourself be clouded with other thoughts and confuse yourself, or make yourself feel bad. Because I honestly don’t feel bad. I did what I had to at that point in my life. It might seem selfish to other people but I wanted to make sure that I could manage myself without dragging a life into this world and not give it the attention it deserves. You have to do this on your own, I’m afraid. Make the decision fast. Ive heard some people decide on abortion and then change their mind after seeing the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat. I went to Dr Jen Shek Wei – Abortion Clinic in amk. He was very very nice and not judgmental. I hope my story can help in any way!:) stay strong
Read moreyou have to ask yourself if you truly would like to keep the baby or not. Well since you are a career woman, just feels that you are not dependable to anyone, if you yourself feels that you can take care of the baby irregardless of him or not then u go ahead. a guy is nv really ready for anything. my guy also made me wait for him so long and also not ready after so many years after which I insist that I want whether he is ready or also a career woman too, I will handle it myself cause I feel that I would want to have.. to me if you feel you yourself can take care and manage and wouldn't regret, its your decision to make. I would feel that if a guy who would truly love you will not say that its early stage to terminate, as termination will harm your body physically n mentally in future. I would think its you can make a decision and move on cause he is just a fiance and if he wants to continue then ok but if he chose not then well the baby is ur decision to make anyway. have to be a strong minded person too in order to go through it in future. I do regret till now that I should have make my decision earlier cause now in my early 40s then being a parents is so so tiring.
Read moreAbortion is NEVER the right answer unless because of health issues. Abortion has health risks. Think for yourself, not him. You MAY NEVER have a baby again. This happened to many, my friend included. You WILL live with the guilt for as long as you live. Not scaring you but like I've typed above, abortion has risks. Your fiance is not ready to be a father but does he know the consequences of having sex in the first place? It takes a simple common sense for this. Being a career woman won't make me regret this decision and bring my baby up by myself. Your baby is worth it, worth to live and deserves to live. There is alot of single women out there who is a supermum, bringing up their baby all by themself. I was once a single mum too, a divorcee with a baby in hand. Not an easy journey, I swear, but it's all worth it! Seeing my baby grows up healthily, it was and still is worth it. Just imagine if you were to marry him in the future? He can do this to you now, he will probably do it again.
Read moreI was once in your position. A teenager who got pregnant because she trusted a guy. He told me i could keep my pregnancy if i wanted to but he couldnt tell his parents as he did not want to disappoint them. I want to keep it but i do not have any form of support. I had no one to talk to. The guy didn't really bother about me. He forced me to swallow Vitamin C every 2 hours thinking it will caused my pregnancy to miscarriage. Then he ended up asking me to abort it. I did it even though i do not want it. We ended our relationship throughout the process of the abortion. He asked me to pay back his money for the abortion that i didn't want. I went thru depression. I felt miserable for ending my pregnancy. I am now happily pregnant and married. but i still do feel miserable. I should have keep the pregnancy because it wasn't the baby's fault. So what i can tell you is think thru and think about the future. Will you be able to forgive yourself in the future ? The baby's life shouldn't be based on what your partner's situation now. It should be based on you. Are you able to forgive yourself if you end it ?
Read moredo what feels right to you. that’s the most important thing of all - not because everyone feels you should keep or not keep, but because you want to. I’ve had an abortion once and it’s the most painful decision I made in my life. However, what I regret is not that I had the abortion, but the poor decisions that led to that moment. It’s been 6 years and not a day goes by that I don’t think about the baby I chose to give up, but I knew that I wasn’t ready to be a mother then and I didn’t want him or her to suffer for my mistakes. I am also in my 30s and now pregnant again, but this time in a completely different circumstance where I know we both want the baby and will give our everything for her. My experiences have really made me cherish what I have now, but of course I still have fears that creep in all the time and you must know that you will have to live with that if you choose to abort. We can’t change the mistakes we already made (or the horrid guys we choose to devote ourselves to) but there is always a choice to make the future better.
Read morei aborted once but it was a painful and emotional journey as i was alone. It took me a long while to get over. i suggest if you have the financial capability and u have support from friends and fanily around u you can proceed to keep the baby. but u want to remove i d highly recommend lien clinic for removal. but only when you re ready. but if you re in ur 30s, i think you should keep the baby and its innocent and i trust he or she will love you. If the guy is not ready and unstable, leave him. if the guy is not ready he will never be ready. coming from me, i had been with someone who backed away and wasnt ready, ended up he hasnt been able to find a new partner etc becsuse he was never ready. Abortion is not always the way to go. try to sit down and think properly okay? Having a child is a commitment, but trust the process you ll enjoy and love him or her. Not easy to have a baby, pls dont stress take the utrogestan to support pregnancy, you re in first trimester... take care and lots of hugs.
Read moreWhat kind of man he is. What does he mean he is not ready and unstable? Earning $10k, $20k per month? Even so, probably he will say still not ready (I know someone earning $20k+ per month still say not enough). Mental not ready? Then in the first place he should take precautions or only make love when he is ready and stable. If you have health issue which leave you with no choice but to abort then is understandable. He is simply a selfish and irresponsible sperm donor. He does not value the innocent life you're carrying and want you to go through both mental and physical pain to abort. There are many couples who want to have child(ren) but unable to. Also, as you are 30s now, you may have difficulty to conceive again should you decide to abort. You may also feel guilty after you abort and it may haunt you for life. Hope you think carefully before you make decision. I am sorry if my words are harsh. Take care and rest well.🌈💪
Read moreThat is really very selfish of him. The baby is innocent and every life is precious. My personal opinion, I’ll keep the baby and dump the guy. Such a heartless and irresponsible man isn’t ready to be in committed relationship much less marriage. Of course, ultimately it’s about you and what’s best for you. Physically at this age, it might be very tough to conceive again and the risks gets higher. If you decide to go ahead with the pregnancy - with or without him - it’s important that you commit to being a parent and form a strong support network to help you through. If not, emotionally, can you live with the guilt and possible regret for the rest of your life if you abort? May you have the strength to think it through and make the best decision for yourself. Regardless of what others think or say, you’re stronger than what you think and I wish you well.
Read morei hope you both think through it properly. do u guys really plan to get married? will u blame each other if u really keep this child? giving birth isn't easy. bringing up a child is harder. a lot of ups and downs but i believe all mother will not regret bringing their child to this world. Do consider counselling if you need. The ultimate decision lies in your hand, however I can only say, if u are not prepared then pls don't have a child. Having a child, there are lots of factors to consider, will u have time for your child? are u stable, financially? Are u willing to give up your job for your child in case anything happens? Honestly I did abortion before. nothing proud of it but after marriage I realised my husband (then bf) was right that we were not ready at that point of time.
Read morei aborted my baby 10 years ago...reason my husband than was boyfriend say we dont hv our own house. i aborted cause i had no choice not married n still staying with parents. We got married 6 years pregnant 1 year later after trying for 4 months, again he claimed he financially not ready after i confirm the pregnancy. But this time we kept the baby. Everyone said congrats on ur first baby but till today at the back of my mind i always remember the first child. Even my husband regrets not having the courage to keep the baby. Trust n believe me you will never ever forget aborting your child...but at the same time if you keep this baby you must be mentally n financially stable to hv this baby by urself. Getting pregnant is easy but taking care of a child is no easy job.
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