4d scan
im 13 weeks and 5 days now. can i go for 4d scan because i very excited to know the gender.

we get to know our baby's gender on 18weeks..itu pun cuba nasib je..told the doctor I want to do 3d scan but she said I don't need to do 3d scan bcause 3d n 4d are best to do around 20weeks++..then we do the 2d scan n there we get to see the "gun" hehehe
Doktor suggestkan bila kandungan dah sampai minggu ke 20++..minggu yang terbaik minggu ke-21..tapi jangan sehingga kandungan membesar sehingga ke trimester ke-3..dikhuatiri baby dah membesar dan perut jadi sempit untuk baby pusing ke sana sini..😊
I can suggest you to go for detailed scan. I did detailed scan yesterday and my baby automatically opened up her leg and shows that she is a girl😂 maybe she doesnt want to surprise me😍😘♥️
instead of 4d scan,i advise u to do details scan so that u can now the condition of your baby and u can detect early if there have any abnormality of your baby.. u still can know the gender of your child..
I found out baby's gender during routine checkup at 16+ weeks..Not expecting but maybe rezeki😅..Baby boy easier to confirm I guess..Good luck😍😍
Sya ada tanye klinik utk scan 3d/4d 25 weeks ke atas je. Kalo nk scan details 20 weeks ke atas.
better buat detail scan dulu..tu lagi penting
4d scan better when the baby is bigger.
most of people said at week 20 n above
better 20++ week