8 Replies
I don't re-offer remaining milk for her next feed as I am fortunate enough to have adequate supply for my baby. I never ever pour away breastmilk. When she was still drinking expressed breastmilk from the bottle, whatever remained was stored in a Medela bottle for her milk bath each day. Now that she is direct latching, I use my frozen milk for her bath.
For me, I will keep it in the fridge immediately and offer it for the next feed. If it still doesn't finish, then I will use it for milk bath. Breast milk is too precious to me as I have limited supply. Haha. Always do the smell and taste check before offering the milk to baby. So far so good, have been doing so since she was about 3 months old. No mishaps!
Once the baby has drunk from a bottle of expressed milk it should be used up within an hour or thrown away. To avoid wasting your expressed breastmilk it is best to offer the baby only a little at a time. You can do this by keeping most of it in one container, in the fridge, and using it to top up the baby’s bottle a little at a time.
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I would throw it away since baby's saliva might enter it. Best to measure out small quantities until you know how much your baby drinks at one go. You can always top up if needed.
I will usually pump out and pour the usual quantity into her bottle to prevent wasting the milk. If she can't finish the milk, I will usually pour it away.
I will discard the breatmilk if it has been in room temperature for more than 1 hour.