i went for course yesterday and when I'm back my mil told me she fed my 4mths old water bc lo geisai until look very difficult and cereal bc lo didnt wna finish her milk. my mil even went to buy gala apple n want to feed baby!!! i v angry yknow!! and my mil didnt even ask or tell me anything before doing so. pls send articles so i can slam it to her face
😱 4 mths is too young for cereal. I hope she didnt feed alot! These are the problems u will face when parents help to tc bb. Not to scare you but there will be many more broken rules, so keep your chill. Have to tell her, repeat, your method, style and still hope that she will be willing to follow. Ask yiur hubbybto talk to her too. Stand in the same line together will make more impact. Not very nice to quarrel with her also.. Chill :)
Read moreThis is most definitely not right. Please have a word with her on this to ensure the safety of your child. Sometimes the older generation have good intentions but its baseless and dangerous esp when it comes to kids. If it isnt easy,get your husband to step in and advice his mother accordingly.
This is an article on when to start giving baby water. https://sg.theasianparent.com/when-to-give-baby-water/web-view?utm_source=search&utm_medium=app
A few sips of water is fine but not cereals and apples for now. You may want to print out those articles on Google to make your point.
If u are totally breastfeeding ur baby do not need water for the first 6 months, if bb on formula drinking water it fine :)
Hey, This is really not acceptable. I suggest talk to MIL based on the facts.
This isn't acceptable. You need to have a word with her
Sorry to hear that. Talk to her and try to convince
Omg. I think it’s better to talk things out
Omg u should scold her