I had some of those simptons before knowing that im pregnant. -pain at lower abdomen - beast expands - nipples get darker than before -very emotional and sentimental 😅😂 - miss my period On the day im estimated to period, i did the upt test after being recommanded by my sister, cause i cant bear the abdomal pain. Alhamdulillah, its a positive. I think u should do a upt test. All the best :)
My only symptoms is that I'm having breast pain.. I do have breast pain before my period but its longer and more painful than usual.. You should test it using UPT soon.. And make sure you test after you wake up from sleep.. Its the best time to test it.. I really hope that you both get good news..
Buy some pregnancy test and try to test with the first morning urine. I've been experiencing those symptoms too before knowing that I'm pregnant but sometimes it's just pms. When I just got married last year I missed my period for two months but I'm not pregnant at that time.
if u like try getting clear blue digital with the weeks shown(pregnancy test). but if u buy at watson it would cost about rm40+. or just get the cheap one for like rm10 below which shows 2 lines.. if u are too early then one line might be faded than the other.
Same here...your symtoms exactly same with me..thought it just my normal period pain but it happened for few days. So i decided to go to clinic and doc said I'm +ve..i suggest u to check by yourself 1st as precaution if u r really +ve.. :-)
My frst sign befre knw tht am prgy is lower abdmn is crmp.. Almst 5dys its happn then i try to chck usng prgncy chck then its (+) but not vry sre then i rept again till 3 times haha...
Me either.. I don't know what to do anymore to avoid throw up.. It's getting worse everytime i saw milk everywhere in supermarket, totally will vomit..
Hello. The signs of early pregnancy do match with your symptoms. The best way is to do a pregnancy test a week after your missed period.
I also experienced same as yours. Now late 5 days from the exect days of period. will test at 1st January. Hope its a good new
i had extreme fatigue & high body temperature.a bit spotting and missed my period. really xcited to upt at home. alhamdullilah. now im 14w2d. 1st time mum to be. i pray for all mum to be also
buy UPT to check. better check when u missed ur period for 2 weeks from the actual date u should hve period.
rollie lumas