Hi I wanna ask. My lo is 7 month now. But she doesn't like to eat cereal. I try some different brand to feed her. But she try 2/3 she dun want already. Any parent know why?

Maybe she just doesn't like cereal, it might be the consistency. When I first feed cereal, my boy cry murder. I pour into his bottle he is ok. Then I realised he doesn't like watery. To him watery goes into his bottle. When I thicken the consistency to porridge liked he took them. It might also be that ur baby doesn't like cereal at all. Can try veg n fruits puree?
Read moreHi, Since your baby is over 6 months now, you can try making porridge for her. You can give her mashed banana, potato, pulses, soups, boiled and mashed vegetables. You can actually give her all the things that you make at home, just make sure that they are nicely mashed and minced so that it is easy for the baby to swallow.
Read moreYes agree with Geraldine, let her try led weaning. It may increase her curiosity and thus interest in the food. Otherwise, stop and try again a couple of days later.
Have you tried letting her feed herself? This is termed baby led weaning and there is no need to start her off purée and cereal.
Not all will like to eat cereal. My 3 kids hates cereal! They prefer fruit/vege puree.. you can give porridge too. Or do BLW.
if she doesn't want. then don't need to force or try again. my child only accepted solids when he was 11months old!