Any mommy experience before that little ones rejecting solid food? I started to give solid to my baby, she is now 7th month old. I tried vegie puree, potato puree, sweet potato, etc and tried rice cereal but she seems like rejecting all of them. She will show no interest to eat. In turn when I latch or bottle feed her, she'll show me that she's hungry. Do I stop feeding her solid or keep trying even she doesn't really like it?

Hang in there mummy! Best to keep trying but don't force your baby to eat (don't want her to view eating as a stressful event). Not sure if you've tried this (or if this would help), you can mix cereal in the breast milk so that the taste is still familiar to your little one. Steamed/mashed fruits may be sweeter and more appealing so you can consider that too (some of my friends start with apple). Also, experiment with different textures. Perhaps she prefers something more crunchy? It may take some time before you find out what she likes... so do be patient and don't give up!
Read moreNope!!! Keep trying at slower paces mummy. Maybe LO isnt ready yet. What you can do is to stick to a certain food for a period if time. Babies may take even up to 20 tries before willing try or like the food. For eg: apple puree you can try for 3 days, still dont like stop rotate with potato puree, and then repeat the cycle again. And moniter from there. My boy is picky, and i know how that feels. Quite a yucky feeling. Its better to start off with vegetables instead of fruits. Fruits, are sweet, vegetables are plain. Try the plainer stuffs first. Hahaha :)
Read moreBaby can take 7-15 tries before liking something. Always give milk in a lower quantity before giving food (maybe 30-60min apart) otherwise baby too hungry to enjoy. If baby don't want that day then stop, don't force but be encouraging too. Choosing a good timing when baby is not tired or cranky is important too. Other routines that can help is a high chair (baby should be quite upright) and colorful utensils, give them a spoon to hold too, show them u are eating too and enjoying it, heap lots of praises. Jia you mummy!
Read moreThe baby will take time adjusting to the solids. Keep trying in small potions and feed her when she is really hungry. Try with grated fruits or mashed potato or banana. And then move on to other cereals. Otherwise, also you should feed kids cereals only when they turn one, as little babies do not have an enzyme that is responsible for helping in digestion of cereals.
Read moreit had happened with one of my kids. when i started her on solids, she was fine and in fact used to love the taste. but after a few weeks, she suddenly stopped eating it altogether. it became so difficult that she completely switched to milk again and refused everything else. i started the semi-solid process again in parts, and then again solids. she took a little time to adjust, but it happened :)
Read moreTeaching any new thing to the kid takes a lot of time and requires loads of patience. All the solid stuff is new for your baby and hence she is rejecting it. Don't make the mistake of stopping giving her solids else later it will be even more difficult. Keep on trying, you have to! Eventually she will start accepting the dishes.
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Give them time to adjust. When I first introduced solids to my LO, she also did not like it. Be patient. Give them time to adjust. Now, she eats non-stop
always milk feed first before offering solids. babies can grow well on BM/ FM alone for 6-8(even 9) months.
Its a phase, just keep trying tho..