anyone do housework during pregnancy
I very sensitive to smell so if I use any detergent or detol sanitizer etc I feel headache n nauseous. But I need to do housework like simple mopping floor once a week. How you guys do? Is there any fragrance-less floor detergent ? I can't mop whole house at one go so need to mop in parts n rest. Not like last time. Anyone experience same as me? I'm staying 5 room flat.

Hmmm.. there’s a lot of diy/home made stuff you can try? I used a lot of lemon and lime for cleaning cause I have sensitive skin when cleaning certain parts of my house. But for a 5 room flat that’s a lot of space to cover! Maybe u might want to use baking Soda? Not too sure if it works but I’ve seen it somewhere before. It’s mixed with something else, can’t quite recall. Please Do research first to see if it’s safe for you and your floor though!
Read moreI'm doing house chores once a week in first trimester. Only vacuum using a cordless vacuum, which is light n easy to use. I skipped mopping the floor completely n my floor still feels clean maybe because i cook w kitchen door closed n don't fry stuff. As for washroom, I wear a KF94 mask which I reuse when using toilet cleaner. Generally I avoid making floor wet w soap so I dont risk falling down. Just spot cleaning will do.
Read moreIm also doing the housework such as mopping floor, laundry and cooking. 5 room here too and I agree the mopping of floor really killing me. Not that my hubby don't do it, I initiated as I take it as exercise. All I can advise is don't be too hard up on yourself. Take a rest when u are tired. Its not urgent to mop the whole place within a certain period.
Read moreActually, traditionally, mopping can be just done with water alone:) makes the floor less slippery too. I have the Biohome floor cleaner (from NTUC) which has a mild lemongrass/green tea smell. Wasn’t nauseating for me. I did housework when I was pregnant, and did it even more vigorously after 37 weeks, hoping the baby would come out sooner 😅
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What abt those cleaning wipe mops, something like the one from magic clean, just the mop road and the cleaning wipes are disposable. I bought mine from daiso and the wipes have a slight lemony smell, nothing too strong, and ur floors wont be as wet compared to using the traditional mop hence safer during pregnancy.
Read moreI did housework till the very end of my pregnancy. I did it at my own pace and rested when I feel tired. Maybe it helped that I had an active lifestyle before pregnant. But i remembered not doing much during the first trimester when I was just too tired and nauseous. Take care and be careful mummy!
If you are sensitive to smell, avoid the housework that requires you to do it or you can wear a mask if comfortable. For me, i didn’t do any housework which requires me to use detergent (other than washing clothes). Vacuum, ironing still can
I still do house chores when I was in my 3rd trimester but takes longer time to be done. I would say phase yourself and do it slowly if you’re tired just take a break or rest. Maybe you would like to dilute more on the Dettol to mop the floor?
Ya. I now split in parts. Mop a bit rest. Mop again. Take longer time to complete. Cos also tried easily. Like head heavy feeling. Plus the detergent smell make me more headache and nauseous.
Not wise to use Dettol for now as u’d be inhaling strong chemical smells. Go for other types of fragrance-free detergent and floor cleaners. If possible ask hubby to help. 5-room is a lot to clean and you should be resting.
I dont do housework, at most is just folding clothes even till now as my husband will do everything for me and ask me to wait outside whichever room he is cleaning. Maybe can get your husband to help out instead?