12 Replies

Ignore is the best solution; I was in similar situation like you before but for me is my sister. She will block me when other family members praise my children instead of her or get presents for my kids' birthday (her kids also received presents on their birthday from same relatives). In the beginning, I did the same by explaining or apologies for the sake of harmony in our family, which is a wrong move. People with this kind of mentality will only keep pushing their luck when you give in. Long story short, she blocked me again and being nasty to my children again after someone bought my girl a toy instead of her kid, so I DID the same and never feel more happy than before. Life is so stressful already so don't give those energy sucker any chance to drain you further.

This is new to me. Usually it's us arguing about MIL as we disagree with MIL's actions and our husband are siding their mum. Whereas your husband is firm in NOT following his mum's requests or demands. I would say ignore. She wants to play the 'block game' let her be. Afterall if you keep trying to make peace, soon u will get tired of it already.. Just ignore mummy (:

Yes ignore her and enjoy the days that you don’t have to communicate with her at all. Our lives at parents have enough things to fret about, no need waste anytime on such childish person. I’ll also minimise my child’s involvement with her. Such a bad influence.

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I tried apology. It don't works. My mil will forget our agreements after few days and repeats the same thing that I dislike again. Very hard to change a habit esp the bad one. You're not alone, in law problem is a global issue

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Well just ignore. Your mil is honestly petty and childish to play the block people 'game' at least your husband is firm on his decision. Just ignore sweetie

IGNORE, nothing can be resolved if she wants to be like this. it takes two willing parties to resolve an issue.

Seriously just don't bother. It's a waste of time trying to play i block you, you block me.

VIP Member

IGNORE IS THE BEST since your MIL is such petty person. And you are too kind hearted

Ignore her... She is being very immature for someone her age.

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