how to enjoy mommy life...
Am i the only one who still struggle to put my little boy sleep even he going to be 5 month soon??? He dont want to sleep on my shoulder.. Even u hug him.. He will sleep if u give his pucifier or after he finish his milk.. Is it normal.. N he still cannot move one without his pucifier.. Really regret giving him pucifier.. Why so stressful?? How to enjoy every moment with him..?? Like what i see other mommy with their baby.. #iwantthebestforhim

Assalammualaikum & hi dear mommy..don't be too stress out or your baby will feel it too .each baby are me,start struggling when he was 1mth old & had given pacifier too because of some prob that cannot be resolve rather than giving him pacifier.but like me,i just give him the pacifier after milk when he cannot sleep after feeding,because in a study show that pacifier is one of the tool & when they suck it,the happy hormon dopamin will produce & give the baby more calm.don't just simply give them pacifier when they want to play son automatically will let go off the pacifier once he's ok & calmly my son also don't want to sleep on my shoulder / my lap either.he is more comfortable sleeping & drinking milk lying on the mattres.just be more positive & look at the positive side of it as a task for u to be a better mother.i'm still learning too.i watched more talks on baby development to understanding more on our baby growth know,even when he is on the pacifier if you play more & interact more with your baby,he will let go of the pacifier.this the important stage to build more bonding with our me,when my baby not sleeping,i will not occupied with other things like our hp.i gave all my time playing & excercise & even encourage him in every new move that he can do in his age now .i know how u feel but make it as our journey in life to be a good parent.& most importantly never introduce hp to our baby from this age.i just let him watched baby tv & i never look /use my phone infront of him.because eventhough now our baby don't understand what we are doing daily but he is like a sponge that will absorb his surrounding & when he is old enough to do like we do ,than u will see the result wether it is negatively / positively.never quarrel / speak hash word to others infront of them.simply talking ,never show negative personality infront of our baby.hope this will give u some answer & lessen your stress.ok dear mom🥰🤲🏻
Baca lagiPengalaman saya first baby... Skang my honey bunny dah 5m...setiap bulan berubah cara tidur.. Saye masih ingat lagi... Bulan pertama oklah tidur kat tilam... Masuk bulan kedua.. Nak tidur atas bahu dulu baru letak kat tilam itupon kene slow aje... Bulan ketiga die nak dihayun pulak kat tangan barulah letak atas tilam... Disebabkan pinggang saye mule sakit sebab hayun die dekat tangan setiap kali tidur saye pon beli buaian... Nasib baik nak die tido dalam tu.. Skang dah masuk 5 bulan die nak tidur kat tilam pulak balik x nak dah buaian... X lah stress pon.. Ikutkan jer rutin bayi tu... Kite happy mesti baby pon happy.. Cause the connection is strong right.. Dari mule saya dah cube untuk bagi baby pacifier die memang x nak.. Susu botol die nak untuk gigit jer hisap x nak. Cume jadi mainan die.... Hahaha.. Jangan stress2 lah mommy2 sekalian... This is great experience though..
Baca lagioh mine masa awal susah. dia pula jenis cepat terkejut (smpi tgn ke atas). now dia dh 5bulan 12 hari dah berubah 360 degree. yes pada ibu yg jawab ikut peel bayi, ye kita kena flow dgn peel dia. sbb dia bukan tau apa2. nama pun bayi. mula saya bagi semua nya kt dia. puting bagi, buaian pun bagi siap tidur atas bantal dalam buaian lagi. but then lama kelamaan dia sendiri slow down semua. cth puting jarang tidur dgnnya. once dia tanggalkan sendiri puting tandanya dia dh betul2 tidur. current masih berputing tapi dia sendiri kadangkala xnk puting tu. buaian? beli waktu dia umur 1bulan sbb sgt2 suka nangis xberhenti. once buaian. dia tidur mcm xpernah tidur sebelum ni. then taska ajar dia tidur tilam shj. lama2 dia xmahu buaian. baru 3 hari lepas buaian dah disimpan selepas seminggu kita xbuaikan dia. cuma dia ada peel juga. kdgkala 9-11mlm dia suka “berjaga”. so layankan aja. nanti dia akan penat dan tertidur. insyaAllah jam 12 hingga subuh dia akan jadi senang tidur. but every baby is different. anyway best of luck ye mum. 🫰🏻❤️
Baca lagiGiving pacifier is not a sin. I give my son pacifier, if and only if he could not cool him down. Right now he is 5m old, so normally after a while, he trying to settle, but couldn’t, he keeps putting his hands on his head, or putting his fingers inside his mouth, then i give him pacifier. When you put aside pacifier for while, then he will like angry and so, for me, let him be. Then give. The next day, try repeat the process until he understands that; if he cant cooling himself down, he wont get pacifier. I dont mind my son doesn’t want to sleep on my shoulder cause i prefer him to sleep inside his crib. It is better that way. Cause over time, he will gain weight then i dont think i want to dukung him anymore so that he can sleep. Btw, no need to stressful. Enjoy the moment. Doesn’t mean if the baby not follow our rules, we are a bad parent. Nope. It just, baby. They cant understand well. They might understand if anything you do with them repeatedly so this will be a habit.
Baca lagiI am going through this right now. It is quite frustrating and stressful too! My baby just turned 5 months. Dia start jadi mcm ni a week before nak masuk 5 months. Then when he is too tired, he doesn’t want to drink milk, lagi laa stress. So what i did was i tried a few methods to see if it helps him to sleep. Right now what’s working for him is i would turn on my air purifier on high, on bunyi vacuum on youtube (both for his white noise) pastu swaddle dia tapi tak ketat la. so kalau dia terkejut tak teruk sgt, dia boleh tidur balik. Dia akan mengamuk, menangis before nak tidur tu, i peluk dia and gently rub his eyebrows pastu slowly dia akan tidur. Now its day 2 and its working.. drp 2 naps yg kejap dapat la 3 naps yg lama.
Baca lagiMommy relaks okey? Baby de corak tido dia yg pelbagai. Sy pun dulu mcm sis gak. Kita layankan je. Sambil tu cuba usap² ubun² dia ckp yg baik², doa yg baik². Kalo dia xmo kena peluk, sis ms dia dh tido sis cuba rapatkan badan dgn anak. Mana tau lama² dia akan biasa dgn kehangatan badan ibu dia. Anak sy pun skrg ni nk tido xmo dh dodoi ke peluk tepuk² belakang ke. Dia nk tido kt tilam terus. Bab puting tu nt pelan² adjust. Agak dia dh lena cabutkan je. Anak sy nk tido pun gitu gak cr puting dulu. Kalo x susah nk tido. Tp sbb mak dia nk x berapa suka puting² ni agak lena sy cabutkan je. (Ayah dia yg beli puting ni) lps tu sy limitkan penggunaan puting ni. Bila perlu br sumbat kalo x nt anak sy mcm bergantung ke dia lak.
Baca lagitolong la ibu ibu yang lain, jangan tanye kenape stress ye. setiap orang, lain penerimaan stress dye. ada yang cepat stress, ada yang jenis relax, .jangan samakan ibu ini dengan diri anda ye. kalau takde benda lain nak cakap, tak perlu reply. kalau awak tak stress, tak perlu persoal ibu ibu lain kenape stress, tak mampu nak bagi penyelesaian, tak perlu reply.
Baca lagiSgt2 least bg la kata2 smangat ker..xpn xyh reply kal0 rse stakat nk mnyakitkn ati ibu sndri pn kdg2 ok kdg2 stress jgk even ank xla byk kerap muntah ble da mnyusu..ank 6bln..
Itu la kan cara stress masing2 Berbeza Awk stress Sbb anak begantung dgn pacifier saya pulak rasa stress kdg2 Sbb anak begantung nak tek je pacifier I botol semua taknak , bila Dah melekat kat badan burn out jgk , Sbb rasa struggle nya nak tidokan dia , so rasanya betul lah kan , apa yg kita lalui Kita kena syukur Sbb saya tak Bole yg ini Tapi awak olk. Ole yg itu Dan sebaliknya lagi2 anak jenis menangissss aje dri Lahir smpai 5 bulan , buka Mata je menangis brapa lama sgt dia tak nngis dlm sehari tu , MashaAllah Allah je tahu Tapi tetap rasa enjoy the moment walaupun kdg2 ngis sorg2 huhuhu
Baca lagibaby currently 4month 20day. every month berbeza cara nak put her to sleep. before this i can just put her in baby coat n she just fall asleep. dodoi her also sometime works. but now the only way she fall asleep is thru bf and she want to be by my armpit😂. will always have bad days. struggling to put her to sleep. mama also cry when baby cry want to sleep. go to work with headache , but mama got to do what she got to do, stay strong better days comming💪🏼 and sila lepaskan marah to her dad 😂 i pretend sleep when im to stress so that husband handle baby
Baca lagianak saya dh masuk 5bulan, dah pandai tido tanpa puting. sebelum 5bulan memang payah nak lepas.. sikit sikit nak teriak sampai saya sekali teriak😅.. stress tu xtau nak kata dah.. huhu... alhamdulillah masuk usia 5bulan lebih.. lps cucuk 5bulan tu.. saya perasan.. dia kalau letih terus lena meniarap pun dia blh lena.. dia lena sendiri.. tak gaduh puting.. rasa lega la sikit.. rasanya sis kena sabar sementara dia nk besar.. anak saya elok dh 5bulan.. xmenyusu pun dia boleh lena dh lani.. rasa lega sikit la.. 😌😌 kalau tidak struggle jugak 😭😭😭
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