Giving pacifier is not a sin. I give my son pacifier, if and only if he could not cool him down. Right now he is 5m old, so normally after a while, he trying to settle, but couldn’t, he keeps putting his hands on his head, or putting his fingers inside his mouth, then i give him pacifier.
When you put aside pacifier for while, then he will like angry and so, for me, let him be. Then give. The next day, try repeat the process until he understands that; if he cant cooling himself down, he wont get pacifier.
I dont mind my son doesn’t want to sleep on my shoulder cause i prefer him to sleep inside his crib. It is better that way. Cause over time, he will gain weight then i dont think i want to dukung him anymore so that he can sleep.
Btw, no need to stressful. Enjoy the moment. Doesn’t mean if the baby not follow our rules, we are a bad parent. Nope. It just, baby. They cant understand well. They might understand if anything you do with them repeatedly so this will be a habit.
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