how to enjoy mommy life...

Am i the only one who still struggle to put my little boy sleep even he going to be 5 month soon??? He dont want to sleep on my shoulder.. Even u hug him.. He will sleep if u give his pucifier or after he finish his milk.. Is it normal.. N he still cannot move one without his pucifier.. Really regret giving him pucifier.. Why so stressful?? How to enjoy every moment with him..?? Like what i see other mommy with their baby.. #iwantthebestforhim

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Itu la kan cara stress masing2 Berbeza Awk stress Sbb anak begantung dgn pacifier saya pulak rasa stress kdg2 Sbb anak begantung nak tek je pacifier I botol semua taknak , bila Dah melekat kat badan burn out jgk , Sbb rasa struggle nya nak tidokan dia , so rasanya betul lah kan , apa yg kita lalui Kita kena syukur Sbb saya tak Bole yg ini Tapi awak olk. Ole yg itu Dan sebaliknya lagi2 anak jenis menangissss aje dri Lahir smpai 5 bulan , buka Mata je menangis brapa lama sgt dia tak nngis dlm sehari tu , MashaAllah Allah je tahu Tapi tetap rasa enjoy the moment walaupun kdg2 ngis sorg2 huhuhu

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