6 Replies

I use a normal blender - frankly speaking I think it is totally ok. It's not as if u are cooking the blender or microwaving it or leaving the food for v long in there. U can let the food cool down so that it is warm and not v hot when u use the blender. U only using it for maybe a minute? Only 1 or 2 meals a day are using the blender. Baby will wana eat food w more chewing to it soon so u only using it for a couple of months. Even if not bpa free it is not dangerous either as if it was it would have been recalled. Go ahead and just buy a normal blender

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How old is ur baby? Actually u can only use a blender for a very short period of time. At 6 mth old when bb starts solids, they can actually take mash food already

My firstborn i used an avent, formy second now i use a nirmal blender. Frankly, we cant be too rigid. Ill stick to a normal blender.

I used avent and i find it quite useful. Up to your preference. You can even use it for urself next time
