no weight gain for baby
I am in my 37 weeks and been told that the baby didnt gain any weight since 2 weeks ago. Anyone with same feedback from doctor?

When I was pregnant, I had sweet tooth & my baby puts on weight easily. In moderation, I ate cookies, ice cream, bubble tea (without caffeine) , durian, chocolates. Try taking slightly more carbo & sweet stuff.
Yup, same for me. As long as baby’s already at a good weight. Should not have any worries.. Baby born will be +/- 200g from the last scan. At least that’s what my doctor told me.. :)
Same issue as this bt gynea said placenta not delivering food well to baby . Tried avocado milkshake, durian but still doesnt really help. Shld ask your gynea wht she say about ths.
Congrats at your week 37... it seem to fine, as the baby is already almost fully developed. Continue to indulge yourself with good nutrition.
Drink more avocado milkshake. My gynae also said no weight gain for 1 week and was around 2.9. Turns out baby came out to be more than 3.4kg
try drink pregnancy milk and eat more protein, unless ur placenta didn't deliver the food to your baby, ur gynae should alert you about that
Me too, I’m at my 33 weeks now. Doctor advise to eat more to increase baby weight to more than 2.5kg to avoid complications after birth.
I was like that so started to eat durian - baby gained a lot of weight after (and so did I!)
Same. Doctor told me my baby est weight is 2.1 but didnt say much
I eat alot of rice during pregnancy put on weight very fast.