To induce baby at 38 weeks

Hi, I am currently 37 weeks and 2 days. My baby weight as per 37 weeks ultrasound is 2.8kgs already. Recently, she’s like gaining 300g per week. Worried that I’m not be able to deliver her in normal delivery due to her weight gain. Her head circumference is 32cm at 37 weeks. Planning to ask my OB to induce her on my 38 weeks and 4days, also this is my birthday. Any advise from mummies who has the same experience. Appreciate any feedbacks. Thank you.

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Hi, just an update on my post: Just delivered my baby today (39 weeks exact) via emergency c-section. My water bag broke yesterday but had no contractions so doctor induced me. Unfortunately i was only 2cm dilated after 22hrs, hence the need for emergency c-section as baby needs to come out within 24hrs. Baby turns out 2.655kgs only and healthy. 😊

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If don’t need to induce, why should u? Unless if u do plan to have same birthdate. My 2 boys, i had them naturally at 39 weeks and they weighs 3.5 & 3.4 . Best to ask ur doc if u decide to induce or c-sect cause some mummies even though induced, natural delivery could still come later. I heard forced induced is more painful

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Let your baby come out naturally. My baby was 3kg + and I gave birth via normal delivery with no tear at all and no induce. Unless your gynae suggests so due to complications, then go ahead.

4y ago

Delivered at 37 weeks.

mine was 2,6 kg on ultrasound at 37 week but only 2,2 kg when the baby came out at 38 week. So Yes let the baby stay untill she decided when she’s ready ☺️

Mine was 3.6kg during week 37 2 days scan. Baby decided to come out 3 days later and weighing 3.08kg only. Baby is totally fine and healthy.