Can I have some ideas and tips on a gender reveal party??
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VIP Member
Pop a balloon with pink or blue confetti. If you don't like it to be noisy or clean the place after pop, probably can use cupcake with hidden pink or blue cream. Im thinking to use the latter although photo will turns out nicer and more happening if use the balloon idea 😉
VIP Member
YouTube or Google for ideas(: The recent one I saw was hiding it in little cup cakes!
Super Mum
My friend did 1.. What she did was she used the balloon to reveal.
Check this out for some ideas:
Mine is just buffet. Whoever lose will pay for it ;)
Pinterest has a lot of gender reveal ideas 👍
Watch YouTube to get inspiration
VIP Member
Cakes and balloons!!
Super Mum
Food n drinks!
VIP Member
scratch card?
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