Gender reveal
Hi mommies, at around what week do u do ur gender reveal party? Also possible to share ur gender reveal ideas? #1stimemom

I’m having a gender reveal at week 17! You can have gender reveal as early as your report is out! :) im having mine at the chalet, with close family, relatives and friends! Im doing the gender reveal balloon where you pop and the color of the confetti will fly out :)
I know my baby gender during week 20 detailed scan and quickly order cupcakes for family to reveal.. however, up to you guy whether comfortable when to reveal.. no need rush if no urgency to announce
Got to know gender at week 19! We didn't do gender reveal party, we only texted parents & siblings as soon as the gender scan was done hehehe.
early 3rd trimester or late 2nd trimester is good. try as simple as a cake let the baker do the work.
any reason why late 2nd trimester is good?