I feel like quitting my job and take care of my baby. But if I were to quit, my husband will be the sole breadwinner. Most of the time i miss baby so much that I will cry. Any mummy in the same situation?

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Oh dear, like what other mummies said, it seems like separation anxiety - and yes, it happens to mums too! I went through the same thing a lot, when I was in school and during my internship too - the thought of not being there for his milestones made me feel really sad because I'd usually get updates from my parents who help me look after him while I'm in school. My most memorable one that changed my mind was when my parents sent me the video of him taking his first steps and being able to walk, and I wasn't there to witness it at all - that day, I went home to my son rushing his way to the door and I just cried. I'd say that you would have to sit down and talk to your husband about this - mainly whether your finances will work out without your income, and whether he will support your decision. This is most important because you don't want to end up not having enough income for your expenses, but you also don't want a situation where you and your husband quarrel over who works harder! What I'd recommend (and what I'm doing myself) if he does support you leaving work is to do some freelance/adhoc work from home that you can do as and when you're able to, so you can earn some income while spending time with your child. There's many work-from-home/flexible jobs you can do now, so no harm looking into it :)

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I was in the same situation and I quit my job. Also the new job which I had was something which take up a lot of my time and is very stressful. My gal and I both cry. I am looking for something part time or less stressful now. Meanwhile also selling things online to earn a little bit of cash. If your husband's income is ok to support whole family maybe you can try part time, free lance or just be Sahm. I know I have to give up some luxuries when I left my job but I am prepared for it and I think nothing is more important than me and my gal's happiness

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Ya I quit my job as I'm pregnant with no2. For no1, I felt so much regret I didn't stay at home to see his milestones.... so for no.2, I wanted to be present to see everything! Fortunately my hubby support me in this decision. U need to discuss with ur hubby if this will work financially for your household cos definitely finances will be tighter. But I do think it's worth it to stay home for maybe a year- that's when u see all the milestones like crawling and walking and talking!!!

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It's very normal mummy. It's separation anxiety Have you spoke to your husband about it? If he willing to be the sole breadwinner (it's a big responsibility with all the bills and expenses fully on him) You will definitely get over the separation anxiety. Think it of a way that you are working hard and earning to give ur baby a better life.

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i think right now your baby is quite young and hence you are feeling so sad and stressed. this is a classic case of separation anxiety. why don't you take up work from home option for now? if possible, speak to your employer and see if you can work few hours from home. this will help you be with baby and also stay in touch with work.

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Although I did not cry, but I do feel sad that I had to leave for work right when my son was 4 months old. Finances was tight as we spent a huge bulk of money on renovation so no choice... Took me years to stay home due to some issues and under husband's encouragement and all's good now...

i can understand your fears and why you are feeling so sad, but if your baby is too young right now, maybe you can take some time off and be at home with baby. once baby is a little older, you can go back to regular work. by then, both you and your baby will be able to handle separation better :)

Sounds like separation anxiety. How old. Is your baby? This could be happening as after delivery our Hormones have not regulated back yet. It would be good to speak with your husband and family members. To tide through this period of time. Emotional support is important.

It sounds like u dislike your job. Upper middle class parents, usually women, like to pretend that they are doing something noble by staying home after children arrive, but in reality their jobs are unfulfilling and they are grateful to have a socially acceptable excuse to quit.

5y ago

Actually, I don't fully disagree with this, it can be the hard truth fo some because I thought about it myself, if I am finding an excuse to quit my job, (which I do enjoy but also struggles at times..) However, the exchange of 'working' at home can indeed be much more fulfilling, it will be a real good excuse to "change job" to a FTM, though it's not an easy task too. It's like choosing jobs, if you wanna find a job with "low"(no) but happy, or you wanna find a job with high pay but you're not very happy? That being said, we need to be financially capable, or willing to have a shift in lifestyle.. It's often about balancing or sacrificing some things for another..

Same here darling. I have quit my job just to take care of my baby because i have no one at home except my hubby and I. He's the breadwinner too and i feel bad sometimes if im to ask for something and business is not booming like before during the pandemic