Weight Gain
I am currently 5months pregnant.. Gained roughly 6kg from my pre-pregnancy weight. How much weight do u gained during your 5 months mommies? Let's discuss hehe

+3kg from starting pregnant til 7mths..now due to puasa lost 2.6kg. quite worried but doctors said its ok.. so long baby growth normal.. hehe.. i think the bb absorb all nutrients from mummy.
5 bulan ke atas berat naik xboleh lebih 2kg sis..5bulan kebawah boleh naik 500g aje..kena selalu pantau..kalau naik banyak, kena cepat minum air gula..😊
Asal 53kg. Berat turun 11kg sampai pregnant 3 bulan. Lepas tu naik 46kg. Now da 5 bulan berat baru naik 47kg. Perut pun tak nampak besar lagi 😥
Saya dlm lima bulan pertama tu, berat drop dari 70kg ke 65.5kg. Dah lima bulan lebih, baru berat naik. Skrg 27w, berat 70.5kg 😅
Overall I gained 15kgs during my pregnancy - started with 1kg per month until I hit my 7th month; I gained the rest
im the opposite.. loss around 3kg from my pre-pregnancy weight.. currently 25th week.. hurm..
saya 25 weeks turun 1kg tapi lepas tu naik balik berat..hehee
Same goes to me....gained roughly 5kgs in one month...pregnant for 5 weeks now...😂😂
Saya berat tak naik naik. Total semua 7kg turun. Makan banyak pun tak naik jugak
U ada minum susu ker, sy b4 pregnant 54kg. Skrg 53.9kg,tak prnh naik lebih 54kg.
Awal2 preggy berat turun naik. Now dah 35w4d, total kenaikan berat 10kg 😅
first baby